How time has passed...

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~3 years later. Y/n is now 22, the ravens have been performing, and have also added a new member to the group and y/n and Joshua have moved in together~ ((I'm going to be using K.A.R.Ds performances and practices cause Nasty Nasty only has one song that I can find😒))

Y/ns POV

3 years. It's crazy how time moves so quickly when you are a Kpop idol but I'm not complaining honestly, we actually have a new member he's really nice too his name is Katanowa Mizu; he's half Japanese half American and he's amazing!!! Joshua and I moved in together about last month after being engaged for 3 years, we still haven't decided what to do for the wedding but we are just enjoying each others company.

"Hey y/n?"

"Yes Jisoo?" I was currently in the kitchen trying not to fail at making kimbap but sadly failing.

"If we were to have many would you want and what would you want the gender to be?" I stopped what I was doing and walked out of the kitchen to our little living space.

"What brought this up?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Well I mean think about it we've been together 3 years and we are both very successful artist but maybe we should settle down you know have a family?" He said looking down a bit. "Sorry this was silly I shouldn't have as-"

"3." I said interrupting him.

"What?" He looked at me.

"I want to have three kids. Two girls one boy." I told him. "I wanna teach the girls how to sing and teach the boy how to dance and rap just as a hobby for them but if they want to do something else I wouldn't stop them." I continued.

"R-really? That's how many I want too!" He hugged me tight and I giggled.

"Do you honestly think we should be thinking about kids right now Joshy? We are both still very busy heck I have practice in 2 hours and you guys are going to be going on tour soon...maybe we should wait a little longer." I said looking up at him.

"I'll wait as long as I need to, as long as I have you with me then I'll be happy no matter what!" He said peppering my face with kisses making me giggle more.

"You're so silly."

"Now let's go see what kind of disaster you made in the kitchen." He said getting up before I could stop him.

"I'm not used to making kimbap okay!!" I yelled walking over to him hearing his laughter.

"Jeonghan would be very disappointed so would mingyu." 

"Oh shut up. It's either eat that or starve, I have to go get ready for practice so meh." I stuck my tongue out heading out of the kitchen before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back so we were facing each other.

"Shouldn't I get a kiss before you go?" He said with a sly smirk.

"Are you asking or telling?" I asked smirking back. We both laugh and he gives me a soft kiss, I love this boys kisses! I pulled back and headed to our room grabbing a towel and a change of clothes before heading into the bathroom to shower. I turned on the shower and got in after I got it to the right temp and started washing my hair and body. I got out and dried off after 10 minutes and put on my black sweats and crop top putting my hair up in a high ponytail.

I grabbed my phone, keys, water bottle, charger and towel before heading to the door.

"I'm heading out Joshy, I'll be back later tonight don't miss me too much!!" I yelled to him only to hear him chuckle.

"Love you too y/n!" I smiled and headed out. I was going to get their earlier to work out some of the new choreo. We've been working hard on this new album and I think we are doing kinda like a light concept not really sure but Sarah said our outfits are gonna be white so I kinda see that as being light but also pure I guess. I unlocked my car and got in driving out of the parking lot next to our apartment and off to the company, I stopped by the cafe though to get a yummy (insert you're favorite drink here) and I actually ran into some fans too thank goodness they weren't sasaengs I've had my share of those last year almost got kidnapped and in another coma. I took pictures with them and signed their albums too, such cuties. I got to the company and parked heading inside throwing away the drink I finished and straight to the practice room and to my surprise the performance team was there with my group.

Is this a dream? Joshua x reader #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now