Chapter 3 - Laec of Leauden

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Prince Laec stared out of the misted up carriage window as they approached the kingdom of Fierdom. He, too, was here for the medallion ceremony, and he wasn't in the least bit happy about it. However, he wasn't the kind of person to argue with his parents, he usually just went along with everything thrown at him. He wasn't the kind of heroic Heir his father had dreamed of. Laec had never wanted power, he just wanted to be happy. Yes, he wanted to find someone who'd like him. Someone with spirit, someone who'd encourage him...

But he wouldn't find that person, he was sure. Who'd like him? He wasn't exactly the macho man of your dreams, he was skinny and generally quite quiet. He'd never even met a princess, he'd been trained in etiquette but he'd never had a relationship with a girl before, not a proper one. And now his parents were telling him he had to start thinking about marriage to one of the other princesses of the Land. He'd attempted to protest, but was put in his place immedietly with some stern words from his mother.

He sighed, and finally the carriage stopped outside a magnificent castle, not unlike his own back in Leauden. He brushed down his sea-blue military uniform, and stepped out of the carriage. Then something in the window in one of the tallest towers caught his eye. A girl with wild hair and a ruby red dress. Laec smiled at her; the girl seemed flustered and turned away. He caught one more fleeting glimpse of her before she drew the curtains, blocking his view. Laec lowered his bright green eyes to his feet, and entered the Great Hall of the Castle of Fierdom.

Nope, he thought. I'm going to be a terrible Heir.

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