Chapter 8 - The Meeting

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Laec tightened the bow tie on his evening suit and straightened the red rose in his button-hole. Tonight, he thought, I will tell her how I feel. Who cares if I've only seen her what, twice? I think I'm in love.

He walked out of his room and was so busy focusing on what he was going to say that he didn't see someone coming round the corner. They obviously were preoccupied too, as they collided just in front of the grand staircase. It took Laec a second to realize exactly who she was, but because she wasn't used to walking in heels she started falling backwards due to the collision. Laec caught her just before she hit the floor, and finally she saw who it was.



Laec helped Enya on to her feet and thought she looked even more beautiful tonight then she had during the medallion ceremony. She was wearing a rich navy dress this time, the colour the sky goes just after sunset. There were diamonds twinkling at the hems, more were dangling from her ears, and her fiery hair was held in an elegant knot on the top of her head with some sapphire clips. God - thought Laec - what am I supposed to say now?

"Enya -"


"I was, um, well, wondering if, well - only if you want to I mean..."

"Laec - what do you want to say?"

"Would you, I mean, would you like to go to the ball with me? Dance, I mean... what's wrong?"

Enya had her face in her hands, her electric blue eyes scrunched in anguish. 

"Laec - you're - you're really, really nice, but I-"

"You like that Ash guy don't you?" said Laec gloomily, "I underst-"

"No! The opposite!" Enya almost cried. "I don't, damn it, I just don't know anymore! One minute I'm fine and I know exactly what I want to happen in my life, but then my parents come along and say I have to marry one of the princes, I thought they'd be horrible and I didn't want to, but now -"

"Look, I completely understand," Laec took her hand in his, spurred on by some newly-found courage and looked straight into her eyes. "I didn't want to be here either, but I think there might be something which might make us both feel better about staying."

Enya found herself getting lost in his bright green eyes. They seemed to go on forever, it was like looking through a porthole into another world, a world where anything would happen...

"No." Enya said forcefully. She let go of Laec's hand and pulled away. She shouldn't let herself get so attached like that! What was she even thinking? She was NOT going to fall in love, she couldn't, she wouldn't...

"Enya, I -"

"Stop! I can't do this!"

"Do what? Enya, what's wrong?"

She looked back, his green eyes were pleading with her. Just tell him, just tell him, her heart screamed at her. No, she wouldn't. She was stonger than this.

"I'm sorry Laec. I can't stay with you a minute longer. I, I can't let myself do this!"

"What? Fall in love?"

Enya didn't even reply, she just turned and hurried down the grand staircase. Laec watched her leave and felt like a dead weight had been placed upon his chest. God - he thought - I need to talk to her. Why's she being like this? Damn it, I've fallen in love even more. I just hope she feels the same. Maybe that's why she's confused.

Laec was hit with a sudden wave of understanding.

She's never been in love before.

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