Chapter 27 - Just Hold On, We're Going Home

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Enya smiled at the reunion, until her gaze was caught by something shining on the ground. We walked towards it, curious. She bent down and picked it up. A golden necklace with a ruby embedded in the centre. Her medallion.

Laec caught her looking and walked over to her. He took it out of her hands and she turned to face him, smiling.

"My princess," he said as he hung the medallion around her neck carefully.

Her electric eyes locked upon his glassy green ones as they hung in their own little part of paradise. Then suddenly they were kissing and it was like nothing they'd known before. There was being happy, there was being euphoric, and then there was whatever this was. Was it heaven? Enya couldn't tell, but quite honestly as long as Laec was with her that was all she needed. As he brought her closer to him, as close as he could be allowed, their bodies felt charged, awoken, on fire. Their lips crashed together in a faze of heat and passion, of utter love and complete trust.


Ash's shout made them jump apart, Enya started awkwardly fiddling with her hair but Laec just grinned.


"Get Toothless ready, we've got to get back to Fierdom."

Laec and Enya shared a glance before he replied,

"Sure, coming."

Ash gave Laec a quizzical look before Laec placed his saddle upon Toothless' back.

"What?" Laec grinned as Ash smirked at him.

"I mean, I know you said you loved her, but I didn't imagine this," Ash said, staring into the star-strewn sky. "You really do, don't you?"

Laec nodded.

"I've never felt this way about anyone before. She's just - argh, I can't explain it -"

"Like the most beautiful, most incredible, most fantastic person in your life and if you'd lose them you'd die," Ash interrupted. Laec stared at him in disbelief. He never knew Ash would be so, so meaningful all of a sudden.

"Ash -"

"Yeah, I know exactly how you feel."

"With Aura?"

Ash nodded solemnly.

"She's the only reason I'm happy, Laec. If she wasn't here, if she didn't, didn't love me too, I might've died of unhappiness."

"Bit melodramatic," Laec muttered, but Ash was deadly serious.

"I mean it. She's - she's all I have. As long as she's safe and happy I don't care. I'd take my life for her in an instant if I had to."

"Ash, I -"

"You get my drift?"

"... Yeah."

"Good. Let's go."

Laec helped the King and Queen of Mistelle up onto Toothless and they took off into the night. Laec flew alongside the dragon to make sure he didn't go spinning out of control (Toothless had a dodgy tail wing and he had to make sure it was OK).

Eventually they arrived back in Fierdom, safe and happy. But the kingdom still didn't know their fate, blinds were drawn and people talked in hushed whispers about the Queen's betrayal and where the real missing King and Queen were. The group made their way into the palace grounds and decided to make a surprise entrance. Finally, after all these years apart, the Monarchy and the Heirs of the Land were together at the same time, at the same place.

The doors swung open, and the Heirs walked in, smiles stretched across their faces and behind them, the King and Queen of Mistelle, battered, bruised and scarred, but alive.

A/N OK, I'm going to write another 3 chapters so it's nice and even, then I'll get to work on the sequel! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I need to get some more Aura/Ash action in so you can expect that in a chapter's time or so! Might even update again tonight, who knows?

See you bookworms and thanks for the 2.5k!!

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