Chapter 18 - I can hear the dark days coming

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"Laec," Aura's voice was unstable and she shook as she spoke, "we need to get Enya back to Fierdom. Her, her parents -"

"Yes," Laec replied, still holding Enya to him, cradling her still-warm body close.

Silently they saddled up Toothless and Laec held Enya's body to him as they flew away. They noticed as they flew that somehow the sky was greyer and more depressing looking than before. As they flew through rain clouds and lightning it was clear something was wrong.

"It's Nori!" Ash called to the others. "He has her medallion now, the Land isn't safe!"

"Enya," Laec whispered, "she had the power of fire and heat."

"What?" Aura shouted.

"She must have," Laec said quietly, "it's so much colder than before, and the sun's vanished."

Ash and Aura looked up and to their astonishment they saw Laec was right. The clouds bore no sign the sun was there, apart from a dim white glow that looked more like the moon.

"When they killed her, her power died with her," Aura whispered in fear. As they flew, they looked down and saw devastation beneath them. Smoking remains of houses and everything seemed bereft of colour and life. Soon however they came into sight of the castle of Fierdom and they flew even faster to get Enya home.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" King Fergus shouted, running out of the castle gates. "Witchcraft?!"

"Give us a chance to explain," Aura said calmly, coming in to land first. "We found out about witchcraft in the library, but it also said there were certain people who could do magic without help."

"The Given," Fergus muttered.

"Yes," Aura continued, "and we saw Laec was driven to madness without, without Enya here," she paused slightly; Fergus still hadn't seen his daughter's body, "and we found out about the Given. We thought that if we did have magical blood then we'd be able to go and save Enya. We practiced and found that there was magical blood in our families, and then Laec found Toothless, the dragon that is, and he tamed him perfectly. Then we set off to find Enya."

By this time, all of the kings and queens of the Land had gathered to hear the Heir's story.

"But when we arrived at Nori's lair he had Enya's medallion. There was a dust cloud and we couldn't see what he was doing. But we saw him fly away and when the cloud disappeared we saw - saw..."

Laec finally lifted his head and got off of Toothless. There was a collective gasp from the onlookers as they saw what Laec was carrying. He was cradling Enya's body in his arms, her head close to his heart. Laec's eyes were bloodshot and his voice hoarse.

"No -" Fergus muttered, running forwards to meet his lifeless daughter. "Enya, no... I'm so sorry lass..." A cascade of tears poured down his face as he kissed her on the head with his chapped and dry lips.

"Enya?" Queen Elinor questioned, and then she caught sight of Fergus and her daughter. "Enya, no..."

She too ran forwards but unlike Fergus she fell to her knees and began to cry. "You were my only daughter Enya, and you're gone. Why?!" Elinor shouted to the heavens. "Why do this to me? Is it fair now Nori? Are you happy?"

The collective congregation began to cry, out of sadness, out of fear, for everyone. But there was one Queen who wasn't crying. In fact, she was sneaking away to go and report to her employer. All was going to plan, they were weak and vulnerable, but better wait until after the funeral of the girl to attack.

Queen Gothel cackled as she flew away. Her Given powers came into good use, too bad the children could use them too...

A/N I am so sorry for doing this to you guys! I have ideas for how to make it better though, but please be patient as I'm super busy this weekend :( But I'll try and get as many updates in as possible. OMFG I'M SO CLOSE TO 1K READS!!! *fangirls like crazy* Thank you all so so much, I couldn't have done this without you!!

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