Chapter 25 - Blood, Tears and Gold

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"There!" Ash cried as they approached a forest clearing surrounded by grey, wilted and dying trees. The four swooped downwards to land, arms spread and hair whipping in the cold winter winds. The clearing was grey and colourless, smelt odd and gave them a sense of foreboding. The four found they really didn't want to proceed forwards, but as Aura led the way they followed. Enya was steadied by Laec, this place gave her all too familiar memories. He put his arm around her and readied himself. But no one was to know what was coming.


Enya span round like a startled mouse. A wave of chilly wind washed over the four of them, making their bones shiver and quake. Ash held Aura close and yelled into the darkness:

"Nori? Come out now! Stop hiding in your burrow like a rabbit! Come out and fight like a man!"

He was met with only silence, until several silhouettes became clearer, two walking proudly and slyly, the other two struggling, bound and gagged.

"What a fine gathering we have here," Nori's voice penetrated the icy silence like a gunshot, walking into the weak moonlight and lifting his head so that he could be seen by all, "the four Eldest Heirs to the Kingdoms of this Land, the nightmare king, his queen," Gothel walked forwards too, her eyes gleaming with yellow fire of revenge, "and the real King and Queen of Mistelle."

Nori snapped his fingers and the two struggling bodies appeared by his side. Dressed in rags, gagged, bound and held in chains, the two monarchs lifted their gaze to their daughter. Aura's eyes welled up with tears as she stared into the face of her mother for the very first time. Her eyes were  identical to her mother's, but the rich green forest colour had somewhat faded. Given her surroundings and horrendous capture, no one could blame her. Her father's eyes were small and sad. Grime was streaked down his face where tears had run through his unclean and unshaven complexion, but they lit up the moment he saw Aura.

"Mother - Father..?" Aura whispered, eyes vast but somehow unseeing, "how -?"

"Careful, Aura," Ash stepped forward, holding Aura to him. "We don't know what he's got planned."

"You'd be right there, clever little Asher," Nori grinned. "But my objective remains the same. Those medallions.

"You think we're going to fool for you a second time?!" Enya practically laughed at this; stepping forward and into the patch of moonlight to glare at Nori. "I came back from the dead. There is no fight for you. You are going to die tonight Nori."

"Oh, you children," he whispered, his breath like a dagger to their vulnerable hearts of glass, "if only you knew..."

A/N Argh short chapter I know and it's been ages since my last update but I've had angry Geography and Latin teachers on my tail this week and I haven't had ANY time for updates :( depression at it's highest!

Thank you all for 2K!! Asdfghjkl this is incredible, I'm still getting over the 1K milestone! I love you all so much and without you guys I'm nothing so don't let anyone tell you anything other than you're amazing! (did that make sense? I hope so. See you soon :))

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