Chapter 26 - Is this reality?

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"What can you do to us?" Enya shouted at Nori. "We have something that you'll never have. We have love. We have friendship. We have trust. And what do you have? Greed, a hole to live in and no light in your life. How are you happy? What can you achieve?"

Everyone turned to look. Nori's smug and evil malice was fading, he seemed to be getting weak, just from words. Enya didn't understand what she was doing, but she carried on. It might make their battle easier.

"Look what we have. We have everything. We have family and we have friends. You have no loyalty. How can you be sure people will ever follow you? Because I know for certain I won't. You should know now, that  Aura, Ash, Laec and I will never give in to you. I didn't last time and I will not now. You might have my medallion, but honestly, what good has it done you so far? Have you got everlasting power? A right to the whole Land? No. Because you're weaker than you imagine. And we're stronger than you will ever know. Give up Nori. It's over."

"It's never over!" Nori cried, but he was scared. His face was pale and grey and was contorted into pain and misery. He was fighting to believe in himself.

Without word or warning, Ash shot an ice dagger at Nori. It pierced his heart and he fell to the floor, yelling in pain. He whimpered as the four advanced upon his trembling form, hands raised, ready to strike. Enya went first. She lit his body on fire, sparks flying from his mouth and as he emitted smoke he choked out

"I'm sorry!"

"You're not. I'll never forgive you for what you did to Enya," Laec snarled, opening up the ground beneath Nori. An endless cavern stretched beneath him as he clung on for dear life. One hand lost grip as he was left there, dangling, a helpless being surrounded by the justice of four souls.

"Please -" he whispered.

Aura knelt down beside him and casually plucked one of his fingers off of the edge of the cliff.

"That's for imprisoning Enya."

She removed a second finger as the panic on his face grew and grew.

"That's for imprisoning my family."

She removed two more with a flourish as Nori was left, horror struck in panic and hanging with only one finger left.

"And this -" she whispered as she stared into his pitiful face, "is for everything else."

She blew softly, controlling the winds to loosen his grip and send him, screaming and flailing, into the endless pit. Laec closed the ground swiftly, leaving no trace that Nori was ever there. He was dead. He was gone. He would never return. But there was just one problem to face now.

The four turned to face Gothel, her eyes wide in panic as she watched her master being killed by the very girl she had held hostage for him all her eighteen years.

"Aura -" she said, trying to almost hold back her fear, but failing miserably. "Aura please -"

"I trusted you." Aura was ready to kill her right now, her senses were so awoken.

"We should never have believed you," Ash snarled. Gothel seized her opportunity, and used her powers to take off into the sky. She was so fast it was almost unbelievable; she must have gained her master's powers as he died.

"You will soon enough!" she shrieked as she took off into the night.

Aura was left there, shaking and trembling; Ash put his arm round her to reassure her.

"We'll get her when the time comes," he whispered. "I promise I won't let her hurt you."

Enya and Laec had already started untying the King and Queen of Mistelle. They came free soon enough, and ran over to their daughter. The Queen held her at arm's length, tears shining in her eyes.

"Aura?" Her voice was clear and sound as a bell.


She stroked Aura's face softly, and almost laughed she was so happy, as did Aura. The King chuckled softly and swooped them both into a hug, holding the daughter he hadn't seen in eighteen years close to his chest, close in the safest bond there is for all mankind. Family.

A/N The story's nearly over, but I wondered if I should do a sequel to this as it was so well recieved by all of you! Please tell me down in the comments any ideas you have and let me know your opinions - very much appreciated!

Till next time bookworms!!

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