Chapter 15 - Forbidden Practices

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Ash, Aura and Laec headed down to the library and immediately to set to work; however Laec soon became distracted by a book on mythical creatures, specifically dragons.

"Zippleback, Gronkle, the Skrill, Night Fury," he muttered under his breath whilst gazing in awe at the drawings.

"Laec!" Ash called. "You're in the wrong section, come on!"

Laec followed him, but he took the book with him, thinking he'd read it if he had time and maybe, just maybe, it'd be useful.

"Warlocks, witches, WITCHCRAFT!" Aura pulled out the book and opened in eagerly. She began to read aloud to the others:

"Ever since King Fergus of Fierdom banished Nori of Quart from the Lands the practice of witchcraft and all dark magic has been forbidden throughout the Lands. Those who were known practicers of the art were too banished, even the infamous Hilde of Heinrich who had helped the king of Fierdom to escape from oncoming invaders, rally more troops and eventually destroy the attacking forces. However there are still some of what were called 'the given' . These people needed little or no practice in performing magic and all of the known 'given' used their magic for the greater good. There were rumours that magical blood flowed through the royal families of the Land."

"Did you hear that?" Aura asked, her voice rising with excitement as she pointed at the passage, "We could be part of these 'given' people, whoever they are!"

"Like that's going to happen." Ash muttered.

"We could always try and see what happens," Laec said, slightly halfheartedly. "I mean, if we are, then we'll not need any help with our spells and stuff will we?"

"Exactly!" Aura said happily. "Let's go and find a private place somewhere, where we can give this a try."

"What about the forest?" Ash suggested. "It's just outside the castle."

"You're a genius Ash."

Aura gazed up at him with her big, beautiful green eyes and he smiled down at her. Laec saw their gaze and didn't feel jealous at all. He just felt depressed that Enya wasn't here with him.

Ash was lost in Aura's eyes. Not for the first time either, he thought to himself, allowing himself a small smile. As he leaned downwards ever so slightly she did too, and they seemed to be just centimetres apart when -

"Um, Ash? Aura? Training?" Laec was looking at them with a face of attempted humour but it concealed his torn soul.

"Sorry Laec," Aura blushed, Ash grinned at her and they all left the library for the forest; Laec scuffing his shoes as he walked with a heavy heart and a head full of questions.

A/N So this chapter was pretty bad and I'm so sorry I haven't updated!! It was just necessary to the story and I've had lots of homework this week :( But maybe an update tomorrow?! I hope I can fit it in for you guys, because this story is getting serious: over 600 reads!! I don't deserve it, but thank you all so much for your continued support.

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