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It is the fate of hate, It spreads through our veins. It radiate's through our pores infecting everyone around you.

It replicates and it resonates!

It penetrates the hearts of many!

We recreate it constantly!

Like cancer we nominate those in power who Integrate their own hate!

We gravitate to the drama!

We censor those who tell the truth.

At least when their is trauma and world is in crisis we set down our swords for awhile and see each-other.. as human.

Rich, Poor, Black, White, We get off our horses and the hatred within slows down...

The cancer within stops for a time.

But like organized crime once it is over here we are at each other's throats..

I can't take it, I can't take all the hate.

Its such a terrible fate for someone who loves.

Can't any of you just stop for a second and look each-other in the eyes.

Please I am begging you,.. repent of your behavior..

You can't fight, hate.. with hate.

Quit taking the bait,.. Because the weight you put on all of our plates, Its just .. great.

Mate please.. You only frustrate everyone with these debates.

You can't dictate all of this,..

With the estate of things around you can't you see.

You are ruining us!

You create chaos, only to run away from the fire you fuck with !

You are bad-luck.

Like a dump-truck, you dump all your garbage on the world.

Oh hate.. you perpetuate all of this shit.

I admit that we may not make it in this world.. I commit that we are going to lose it.

You scrape and you scratch the Truth and only let her say what needs to be said when it suits you!

Get out of the cockpit.. And let the plane fly itself.. Quit fighting for control, because it never does much good.

Neither of you has the same goals, And I am blind,.. Don't know who I am voting on.

You see me as deplorable and disposable.

Like a fetus..

What a sad thing you have become.

Both of you.. Part of the same bird..

But yet here you are..

You have stolen yourselves...

And Truth.. Is unbalanced.. Because while you think you fight for it.. You only cover her mouth..

And I hold my head as the tears stream down her face.. Can anyone speak for the voice of Justice and be heard..?

Hate.. That is the world we live in.. 

Spoken Word #2 (2018-2020)Where stories live. Discover now