Spirit of The Lord

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Like Thunder strikes from the depths of the sky; 

 The spirit of the lord rests within my mouth, and eye.

How can you deny the word of the Lord that speaks? 

Christians do you not know the words that flow from your eyes, from your mouth? 

How will the world know of the Lord if they don't see it through you? 

If you only knew of the words that you spew; coming out of you like a waterfall 

You misconstrue who and what the Lord is; and if we do not bend, we are therefore wrong? 

How long can you prolong the lie that Jesus is God?

How long can you stay within your deceived ways? 

For I will set ablaze the lies of the Enemy, From the words of Yeshua, 
He says "I and the Father are one," 

But wait, That does not mean everything is done. 
For we have only just begun in belief. 

If only you would listen to the words the lord speaks. 

You say you are there for the poor but are you really when you can't record?

The Lord looks down upon the earth, And can find no one of worth,
 Christians, Why do you grovel to help the needy,

 When Yeshua has called you to be saintly.

 What more do you want from this world?

As a wife and a husband are one, The same is done with the Son and the father. 

This is the proper way of belief the one lost by the Great Deceit;
Many have gone to the slaughter for refusing to believe that Yeshua is God. 

For he is not, and one must not lean on one's own understanding. 

He is commanding an expanding of knowledge in this season; 
If only the ears of his flock were not conceded and lovers of pleasure, haughty and prideful; 

The belief is a misunderstanding, The trinity does not exist. 
It was just a missed way of believing; 

But it can not coexist with the Biblical Scripture as there is none to prove; 

You must resist the Great Deceit that the lord has warned of. 
You must not compete in belief but remain strong as the Bride, and the church. 

This is NOT a time to be discreet, The truth must be told to the weak, To the meek, and to the lesser, How will they know if they are never told? 

You must be bold in this time, And you must step out of your zone of comfort. 

The Tribulations we will all go through; Do not lay your hopes in man made comforts. 
Behold for it has been foretold in Revelations that many would be deceived; 

 re-mold your way of thinking and search for truth. 
For the world holds hope in comforts that shall not exist. 

Did he not lead his people into the desert, for 40 years? 

Stay True to the Lord and you shall never be captured, Your physical body may die; But take comforting in knowing you never believed a lie. 

The lord is blowing his presence across the Earth; Seek him and find his face, 
And you shall land within Grace. 

Let this not scare you, But move you to finding truth. 
Run to him to soothe the fear churning in your hearts.

Be fierce in your belief, let it not be washed away with the sands. 
Shout the truth until your are hoarse.

And let the Holy spirit run its course. 

Spoken Word #2 (2018-2020)Where stories live. Discover now