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The anger swells within me

The world doesn't see my heart.
Why care if I am gonna get this?
Why care if I am gonna get this?

The tears stream fucking constantly am I a catastrophe?

Do I present myself so bitterly?
Don't people know how much I care?

Don't they know that without this I feel alone?!

I choose to get up day by day and yet,
I still don't want to stay!

I hate it here, here in the shadows of fear Oh dear..
He's got me once again, I am screaming within.


My heart is full of barbed wire and you may just expire.

Doesn't the world know that the reason I care,
That I hold your hand
Wipe your tears,
Was because for the longest time,
No one did it for me.

Can't you see that I need this...
My eyes are stained with the blame of my guilt.
It chokes me.

I am unable to convey how much it hurts

I feel worthless.

I don't know if you can save me ..
I don't know if you can save me..
I don't know if you can save...Who..?

It comes screaming back at me
Attack my every fiber in my being.
Am I really nothing to be loved?

No I refuse to believe the lies your succulent lips whisper to me!!!

The next questions remain to be seen..
Will I speak or will I bleed!?

Will my words carry the weight of a THOUSAND BROKEN IMAGES!

Will I LOOK.. In the Ocean of MY eyes and see only pain?

Will I bleed forever?

What will become of me?
(What will become of me?)

Will my words truly heal the broken?
Will the words I have spoken melt the ice that has a grip like a vice on the heart of man?

Will my passion be mistaken for violence?
Will I chaste myself..
Hide myself away back into my shell
will People find me Dramatic.

Am I truly a cinematic picture of what an angel would be?
Maybe I should focus on me?

Would that be selfish?
Why do I give so much time away?

Will the woman screaming to be released from my chest ever be?
Do I pick myself up out of the mud?
Or Bathe in the stench of my sins..

Just call me what I am, I am no Queen, I am but a slut.
Pour me down your throat and feel my pain course through your veins

You have nothing to gain from knowing me; only pain.
I am telling you; I am telling you. 




You have nothing; to gain from me. 
I am being crushed you really think I am bluffing? 

I am nothing to be lovin' 
End of discussion. 

Spoken Word #2 (2018-2020)Where stories live. Discover now