Notre Dame

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The cries in the sky could heard as the smoke billowed out of my home, the one that I had called home. I could see its fire bellowing up the spires of my beloved. 
I pulled the cloak from my face as I saw the terrified faces of those around me... 
My name is..Hunchback, or its what they call me. 

The fire consumed everything around me as I was terrified in my soul, the beauty that is the cathedral, where I made my stay. Where I heard the angels, sing all day. Where I played with the gargoyles, they have all left the nest as the tragedy as struck. My home is being eaten away by the flames licking its side. 
The smoke is hard to breathe, but yet I stay.  

I stay in the hopes my home can be saved,I call out to the God above to save the precious works of Art as I lay on its stone cold floor and kiss the walls goodbye, 
I am left in tears and in shambles, as I hear the things people say about my beloved. 
I was only but a child when its construction was still in its birth, I am as old as it is, and my weary eyes have never seen such torment, These walls they cry in anguish and I rush to aid my beloved. 

My beloved, my beloved, don't you cry for in awhile you will not be in pain. Your cries wither my soul, my beloved .. I still live here, within your attic.

Ringing the bell.. Ringing the bell, The bell.. That I love so much. 
The fire is consuming, ruining,.. And my old heart breaks. The children can no longer enjoy its beauty, and I can no longer hear the laughter echoing through my beloved halls. 
Forever I will stay in the ashes of my beloved. My wounds will heal as the humans around me rebuild once more, I have been here since the 11th century and forever here is where I will stay. 

This; This is my monologue of my last tears on Earth, With the Cathedral burning it takes my soul with it. I can feel its wood kissing my skin, Its stone is kissed with ash and flame. 
The flame eats everything around me as my spire beings to fall. I can feel the weight of the world suddenly vanish as my home falls into the burning embers before me.  
I open my arms as I allow gravity to take me. 

But my eyes open as my arms grab the sides and I swing onto a ledge, and I watch as the attic, is crumbled, I jump from the wood and sit on the stone and I glance down my red hair flowing in the wind as I pull my green cloak over my head. 

The embers won't last long for my beloved is a warrior and she has been fought over, bombed, destroyed and re-built and she and I will stand the test of time, Immortal.

 Like my beloved, we will never fall...My bride whom I adore so graciously..She is my home.

These walls I hug as the angels return to fight, blowing the winds of fate around. 
I will not allow my home to perish. 
I am the Hunch back of Notre least that's what they call me, In the crowd I take off my cloak as I have done before, the people do not see me, I point them towards the fires but they can not see me and then I realize I have been gone since the 19th century, but in my home I stay. I dare not move on for what heaven could be greater then the beauty of these four walls. 

These walls I cling to, this art I love, It is everything I am.... 
I am the Hunch back of Notre Dame, and I..Will never leave. 

This beauty is beyond the fragrance of spring, I have walked these halls silently. I have observed the wondrous eyes of people's curiosity, as the art shines across their faces. I have seen many weddings and blessings walk this hall, and my home.. France has lost a piece of it-self, but I will always remain even when its walls have become ash. 

I hear the sound, the sound of sirens, the fire's light has began to dim and I understand that my beloved bride has been saved, yet I am still mourning, The fires have touched many places, it has touched my soul, and I  The Hunchback of Notre Dame has been scarred the fire has stabbed my very being. 

I am in lost for words, as I see the smoldering pieces of wood that I watched the others build. 
I have seen with my eyes how many hours this project has taken, and I await to see its masterful finish, I stare out into the crowd as I climb its tall stone pillars that were untouched. 
The Gargoyles cry in anguish as their ledges have been demolished, where they have stood since the breath of life had come upon their lungs. We are all lost.. Forsaken, awaiting to see if we can rebirth. 

My beloved bride is like a phoenix, endless recovery. In her fired flames and anguish she will arise adorned with beautiful jewels on top her crowned head, her arms and her wings will re grow as happiness forges itself anew, and I; The hunch back of Notre Dam; will see its revival once more. I will never leave my bride, for it is her I am eternally wed to. 
She will stand the test of time, and the winds of fate. The rain has descended from the heavens, but I will not leave her. I see the sun shine upon the disaster as I hear the cries of the people. 

I cry with them, I mourn from afar. They still fear me if I was alive, I am spirit of Notre dam, And I will always fight for the love of my life. She will always live, and she will become the greatest crown of the world and I with her. I am the hunch back, and I will never leave my beloved. 

I have seen her changes, and I know she will come back adorned in her white dress, She and I will love forever, and forever I will ring her bell. I will glide down her statues and I will see the changes around me for I am the spirit of Notre Dam, My love that I will always be near. 

The thunder crashes across the sky as the world mourns her wounds, but these wounds between us will heal, she will come born anew from flame. She has been here forever like me, and here we will stay. 
Her art will never perish even in the light of day of this tragedy, I will rebuild the palace that she calls home. I will be the one to restore her golden lips, to feel her kiss once more. To see the curiosity stride its way into people's eyes again. 

She will grow new wings, and I will be there to see her fly. I will hold her as her wings beat into the heavens, as her light returns so shall mine. We are one, and I will return with my Cathedral. I will always love, while we mourn together. We will rebuild what is ours; she will come again, and I will see the smile curved across her ledges, the sun shines in her rose petal glass stained windows. 
I will hear her song, that is not one of anguish and pain. She will sing once more and her life is not at its end. We will return world. 

I..The Hunch back of Notre Dame.. Knows..We will return, we are not lost this day. Read this and find hope in my words. I am the spirit of Notre Dame and her pain will not last forever for I will soothe the cries.. Of my bride.. 

I see the bell that I loved for so long; that my withered hands have rang, A piece of her has been saved, and I am greatly relieved. I return to caress her iron hull. My lips cascade across her skin as I hear the mournful song of her people sing for her. My heart mourns as my lips sing with them.  

My heart will forever mourn the loss of her spires this day, Where I used to glide and sit all night. Where I watched the stars twinkle until dawn. 
My heart grieves as she has fallen, but we will be born anew.  

For I, The spirit of Notre Dame; will forever reside within its ashen halls... 

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