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PTSD Don't you talk to me.
Don't you stare me down with those eyes;
Don't you tell me any of these lies!
 I seem to be your prize within my mind,
 and all my heart can do is cry;
How do I rise and fight my own mental mind;
I have no advise, no allies;

Turn my brain counter clock wise;
Take me back to my innocence.
Where my eyes could see the skies;
and I would not despise life itself.
 Stick me on the dusty bookshelf because that is where I belong;
 left to be forgotten.
Am I rotten to the core?

Will I bore those around me often promising
caution when you enter the gates of the garden of my mind.
 Know that I am fallen, and I lay in a coffin of my fears.

It is not uncommon to not feel important,
 to a society that has abandoned the mentally ill.
 Cause yet all they offer for my PTSD is a refill on pills,
 they do not hear the shrill screams in the night it seems.
They do not hear me; and I only over kill my lungs screaming within
;Not only to get a pill, But no peace of mind; within this garden of hell.

I might as well be another file and another trauma to quell;
 As I retreat back into the comfortable shell of shadows.
Stay in my hotel of pain;
As the people walking by only wish me "Get well,"
I am screaming pulling out every hair cell from my swelling head.

I have bled and been misread; nobody opens my cover,
 I am embedded to a round slipped in a gun.
 I will slice you with words, instead spread my pestilence;
And bring you and I to our death bed.
Just let me drop dead; Because all I see is red; within my head;
It never stops
 reminding me of the terrors of my past,
Endlessly looping like a movie that I can never leave.
 Stuck glued within;
and I can't find the thin silver line to escape this shed.

Un-drape me from my naked soul; as the fears within
take shape and gut me clean!
Drink the thoughts inside my head,
this canteen of benzene in between happiness;
and hatred, Am I a machine? Is anything I ever do serene..
Or do I stay in silence behind a smoke screen,
 bathed in sage green, I have felt this way since I was thirteen, and its all just a routine now. Nothing ever got better when I turned nineteen. Downing one Benzo..
After the other..Give me the Xanex so I can breathe'!

The state of the machines;
is entertaining to the famous;
watching me grovel;
watching me die.

Communication of mental illness is important you see;
Rehabilitation of one's mind is not important to affiliate with society.

The truth is; that no one cares,
until you are a eulogy.
Its brutally and bloodily beautifully,
 and foolishly we still believe in unity.
 I am hung with scrutiny; posed like shining jewelry;

to the community of demons; where they take the opportunity;
to slice into me with memories that I can not run from;

Shadows chase me down the hallways;
as run from my own mind! So perfectly well timed,
in all of these rhymes; but the PTSD is never kind.
 I can not combine all the pain in one poem,

I can not find what I am supposed to be assigned to
, I don't know who I am, and I feel I am behind.

Sometimes I feel blind to what I have in front of me; peel the rind of maligned pain...
I can't explain what goes on in the domain of my brain;
 because one minute all I am to maintain;

 is all that remains of a shell of the girl scared of the world;
 I chain myself in the rain; as the pain leaves my veins;
Drain me of all that bad blood on my hands.

But the PTSD demands that I stand;

In this bent hell is where I stay; screaming within;
As I try to get through this, That I feel everyone misunderstands..

Spoken Word #2 (2018-2020)Where stories live. Discover now