Mac "Lethal" Injection (Fan voice)

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You made me waste 4 minutes
to listen to that crap. Now I have to write a rap-diss,
Just like I did for Peta.
I don't follow Tom-Macdonald for his views.
Don't schmooze your way through this,
This does not amuse me, nor does this excuse,
Don't be confused. We all saw it coming like a battering ram.
You tried to cram so many goddamn shitty lines,
That I had stop the program and take a breath,
 before my eyes wallowed into my chest!
You are Spam,
hold on, I gotta clear my diaphragm from all this shit you poured into it.
 Now you have only caused a traffic jam,
What was your target again, In defense.. Put the saddle on the lamb,
and go back to serving Uncle Sam. Oh wait; You never did that,

Like a hydraulic ram, Your flow was all over the place,
You thought you slammed dunked my hero into the grave,
 But you only dug it for yourself.
You thought by changing himself to herself that-that was an insult of some kind.

Hold on..Rewind.
Are you blind? Tom is a goddamn mastermind! Have some peace and bear in mind he is unconfined to the rules of the world.
The fact you had to go to mutual friends to find anything is funny. Honey, Do you have earnest money; or is it made from blood. You talk about views,
You talk about followers, In the end Tom has a community, and what do you have? No active immunity; because Tom is going to come back slashing and scraping, you never should of said anything.

He will come like a well-spring, into the annual ring; Let me tell ya, Its gonna sting; Because he is the king.
Don't go pissing on his parade because his girl is more talented than you will ever be. So you see, I can't agree with your flow,
Hold up, you gotta know to take a knee,
you little sweet pea; What you did was beastly,

now your crying in the corner thinking you can battle rap.
In the debris of the attack you thought yourself carefree, where's your degree in battle rapping? Don't you get all snotty with me, I don't care if your thirty, Age has nothing on success.
You tried to impress but you failed; And I can't digest what just happed, don't you know that Tom possesses value?

But you under-value you that with your views, and your likes, half a million comments, You make me want to vomit.
It ain't about the money, the views; Can't you know this?

Oh wait. You said he took the bait, What bait? What did you even donate, cause it sounds like to me you just castrated yourself with the minor Iron balls you had surgical implanted.

You take for granted all that you have, because its the only thing you can throw.

Mac please..Just go back to doing blow. So you have the dough, that great, but that ain't ammo.

You are a back hoe, and below the talent that Tom has.
Its like I won the lotto for things to say; Thought you could outflow; someone that inspired me to do better. Do you even read your letters?

Do you care about one little fan that has something to say?

Well hey, I can tell you this, I doubt you will even wish me Happy birthday next week, But Tom would.

What you did was foreplay, it was childish; thinking it puts you in the hall of fame; but it just opened up a gateway for foul-play.

You just displayed your decay for all the world to see, I'd say use hair spray to keep that decaying hair in place..

but you don't have any.

Its a heyday, a mistake. You're a gourmet of words for me to slay!
Your little Essay on Tom was flattering,

But next time don't make it so easy to fillet you.
I am not even a battle rapper and I have slayed you where you stood; Don't pretend that I didn't either.

Little part of Adult hood I really thought you understood, Having money ain't the live all be all, that's all you talked about.

You seem to have misunderstood Tom's purpose.
Its doing a huge dis-service, you are nothing but a face on the surface, Its an Epidemic...
Its kind of making me nervous. And you have me wordless..
Please don't resurface..All you did..was Lip service..

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