Part III

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After dinner, Sebastian suggested that you should watch a movie.

"Put any movie that Tom's in it," Chris said as they both looked at your DVD collections.

"Don't tell me she still has a crush on Hiddleston," Sebastian whispered.

"Unfortunately pal, she is still crazy for him."

"Urgh! What she sees in him?" Sebastian was getting frustrated.

"It's the accent," Chris answered making Sebastian rolled his eyes.

They end up choosing Thor. You sat between Sebastian and Chris, who seems to be enjoying the film. You, on the other hand, was just staring at the screen. Laying your head in Chris' shoulder, he encircled your arm around his to make you more comfortable. Not that long you fall asleep. Sebastian was looking at you and he can tell that you were not having enough sleep. You looked so tired, you have dark bags under your eyes, and he can tell that you've lost weight. You were broken and he wants to fix you. To put all the broken pieces together.

"You know, I remember the first time she got broken hearted." Chris started getting Sebastian's attention "We were in high school and there this artist guy; he can draw, paint and even sing. [Y/N], was always asked to decorate the school since she is very artistic and in one of the events in school that guys were part of the creative team. They became close. He even sang for her. [Y/N] would feel excited whenever he texted her. To be honest I thought that they might end up together..."

"What happened?" Sebastian asked.

"It turned out the guy was being nice since they have something in common. [Y/N] found out that this guy was in love with another woman. She was broken and I remember bringing her an ice cream and she ate it all by herself. Took her years to move on. It was her first love and first heartache."

"I just want her to be happy. She deserves everything; to be happy, to be loved unconditionally." Sebastian was staring at your sleeping figure.

"She does. Seb, I know how you feel for her and I hope you'll not end up like those guys who hurt her." Chris added.

"I will never hurt her. I don't even know if she can love me the way I love her." He said running his hand through his hair.

Chris couldn't help but to chuckle, he can tell that Sebastian really likes you "Don't worry, buddy. You got my support."

Morning came and you felt good. You've slept so well that after almost sleepless weeks finally you got yourself fully charged. Opening your eyes, you were expecting to see Chris but it was Sebastian. His eyes were still closed, his bearded face was so close. He looks like an angel, so peace and calm. Then his eyes fluttered open. His blue eyes were gazing directly into yours.

"Good morning." He said smiling at you.

"Good morning." You respond still not moving.

"Good morning!" Chris greeted with so much energy that you were wondering where he was getting it "Sorry to break the sweet moment here but breakfast is ready." Then you realized that you and Sebastian had your arms around each other. You immediately let go and you two awkwardly sit up "You two are so cute. Come on now children. You know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Chris added before going to the dining room.

"I'm wondering if it's Chris Evans, my best friend who just called us or that was Captain America?" You said breaking the silence between you and Sebastian, who chuckled.

"Sometimes I think that he is Captain America in Chris Evans body." He added and this time you two laughed.

From the dining room, you heard Chris "Are you two making fun of me?"

|End of Part III|

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