Part XII

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You felt a weight besides you and opening your eyes, it was Sebastian. He was staring at you with a genuine smile in his face.

"Good morning." He greeted.

"Go-good morning." You stuttered.

"You look so beautiful." He said caressing your cheek.

What he did next was something you didn't expect. Cupping you face, Sebastian leaned in and capture your lips. It was a simple kiss, but you wanted more. Pulling him with his collar, you deepened the kiss. Tasting every inch of his mouth. Sebastian hovered above you, without breaking the kiss. You can feel that he wants you. His warm hands were under your shirt, flesh to flesh. You placed a hand on his nape as the others one went under his shirt. You can feel his muscles moving and you want more. Encircling your legs around him, you wanted to be close to him, to feel more of him. You two were still on your clothes. Sebastian was rubbing his hard on between your legs. With the thin fabric of your clothes, you can still feel it.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time. I'll make you feel, how a woman should feel." He said breathing against your lips.

"I want you." You said brushing your thumb to his lips.

"I need you." He responds sliding his hand under your pants.

You've never wanted anyone like you wanted him. A moan escaped your lips, as you can feel his fingers massaging your private part. It feels so good, you started to move against his hand, wanting to feel his touch. You were moaning his name again and again, begging for more.

"Come on, [Y/N] cum for me." His voice vibrates all over your body.

You can feel yourself reaching your orgasm. Sebastian kissed you torridly and his fingers massaging your privates with such softness and roughness, you screamed his name as pleasure exploded from your body.

"Sebastian!" You moaned, eyes closed and reaching such amazing orgasm.

"I love you, [Y/N]" he whispered to you ears.
Opening your eyes, you were still in your room but there was no Sebastian.

He was nowhere to be found. Running your hand through your hair, you realize that it was just a dream. You dreamt that you were doing sexual things with Sebastian and you love it. Curiosity kills, so reaching down between your legs, you were wet. You just had a wet dream about your friend.

The Dream bothers you the entire day. It felt so real. You've tried to get your out of it and focus but you just can't get him out of your mind. But you were able to go through the day and you were finally home but when you get out of your car you saw Sebastian on your door step and he look so good. But after what you've been through out the day.

"No, this must be some dream. [Y/N], it is just a dream." You mentality repeatedly said to yourself.

"Hi [Y/N]" Sebastian greeted you with a smile. Looking at him.

"No. Nope, it's not real." You said under breath.

"What?" Sebastian got confused "what's not real?" Facing him, you slowly reaching out to his face and slap him across the face. Sebastian winced in pain "[Y/N], what's that for?" He said holding his abused cheek.

"Oh shit! It's really you!" Your eyes widen "Oh my gosh! Seb I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed holding him in the arm "I. I thought. Fuck, I'm really sorry."

You two went into your house and get some ice to put in Sebastian's cheek.

"Thanks." He said placing the ice bah against his cheek as you stand beside him.

"I'm really sorry." You said.

"It hurts. I mean it hurts a lot." He said emphasizing each word but he was not mad he was laughing "it stings, I didn't expect that you are that strong."

"Seb, come on I'm really sorry." You said holding him in the arm.

"Fine, I'll forgive you if you kiss it." Sebastian was pointing at his cheek that you slapped.

"What?" You exclaimed but gave you gave in feeling guilty and all "Fine." Leaning towards, Sebastian smiled waiting for your kiss. You couldn't help how this bearded guy in front of you acted like a child. Getting closer, your lips were few meters away when Sebastian turned his head and kissed you in the lips.

"Yeah, I feel much better." He said pulling away.

"Seb." You breathe.

"It stings but your kiss already made it better." He said smiling at you. You couldn't believe what he just did but you were not bad.

Chuckling, you smiled at him and playful punch him in the arm "You tricked me."

"You slapped me." He respond "I think that makes us even."


"But what were you thinking? You said it's not real, it is not real, what was that?" He asked.

"Just having a weird day." You respond rolling your eyes.

"Can you tell me?" He asked pulling you closer to him, entwining your hands.

"No." Your immediate answer.

"That was fast. Now, I really want to know what was it." He said grinning at you.

"No, not now. I'll tell you someday." You said hoping that he'll buy it and eventually forget about it.

"Fine." He said kissing your hands "Maybe next time."

"Well, how about you? What were you doing at my doorstep?" You asked.

"I thought that it was quite obvious that I am waiting for you." He said pouting a bit.

This is one of his mannerisms that you like, sometimes he tends to pout a bit after he said something.

"Then why you are waiting for me?" You asked.

"Well, other than I wanted to see you. I'm here to tell you that Tom will leave tomorrow and I'm picking you up because we will all going to dinner." He said.

"You know, you could have just call or text me." You said laughing a bit.

"Well, I told you that I want to see you right." He said pulling you into his arms. "Besides, I'm sure I won't have this moment if I texted you."

"And that slap." You added and you two laughed.

"Yeah, that one too."

|End of Part XII|

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