Part XV

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You hang out with Chris the entire day and going back to his place you saw Anthony watching TV.

"Didn't you just saw Sebastian this morning?" Anthony said making you rolled your eyes.

"Nice to see you too." You said.

"Just kidding. Come here." He said and gave you a hug.

"Well, I don't want to miss your last night in town." You added.

"Now, that explains why Sebastian stayed at your place." He said grinning at you.

"No, it.. we..." you was stuttering, not knowing how to explain what happened.

"Oh, that is so cute. Did I brought back some memories that happened last night." Anthony was enjoying this "Stan was in a good mood when he got back from your place."

"Nothing happened last night." You said not giving the full detail.

"Then maybe you can tell me what you two did last night?" Anthony continued with a grin in his face.

"Nothing happened last night." You said laughing a bit "you're not going to give up, are you?"

"No, we have the entire night." He said.

"You don't want to see her mad." Chris said warning Anthony "She can beat the hell out of you."

Then Sebastian came from the door, he just arrived.

"Where did you went?" Chris asked him.

"I just bought something." He said then a smile grow in his face when he saw you "hey."

"Hi." You simply said smile back at him.

"Ahem! We are still here." Anthony faked a cough.

"Shut up. Come on Chris, let's prepare dinner." You said pulling Chris to his kitchen.

Dinner was set up since you only had a take out and Anthony still keeps on asking on what happened last night.

"Chris, you forgot to remind me that I need to put poison in Anthony's food." You innocently said.

"Oh, I thought you already did." Chris responded, playing along "We still have dessert, don't worry."

"Sebastian, please, if I didn't come out alive in this house I want you to tell the world how good friend I am and tell them how I died. The world deserves to know how I died in the hand of these two psychopaths and I already have a picture for me memorial in my house. I want you to use that." Anthony played along as well.

"I'm sorry buddy but I'm with them." Sebastian raises his knife in the air "it will be a fun night for sure."

Then you all burst out laughing. You sure going to miss them. Then it suddenly hits you, you won't be seeing Sebastian for a while. You were so used to have him around and suddenly he will left.

"You know that we can always call each other. I can send you a text or FaceTime." He said standing beside you. You were at the veranda enjoying the view with your beer.

"That is a great idea but I don't want you to force yourself..."

"[Y/N], I want to do it. After last night I'm actually not sure if I can live a day without seeing or talking to you." He said intertwining your hands "It's like, I live each day because I want to be with you."

"I hate that you know what to say and how smooth you are." You said smiling at him.

"I'm just saying the truth." He said.

"I'll miss you." You said resting your head on his shoulder.

"Thinking that I'm leaving you already made me miss you." Sebastian planted a kiss on your hair.

Chris was happy with what he saw but somehow it made him sad. Why? He was so used to be the person who can make you happy and now, Sebastian took that place.

"Well, I will never be that person," Chris mumbled under his breath.

Chris recall the day that he planned to tell you that he loves you. He prepared this trip for the two of you, you two went to the beach, swim and even had drinks for the night. And when the mood was finally settled, where you two seats under the moon, bonfire in front of you two and you can hear the wave crashing to the shore.

"[Y/N], I need to tell you something," Chris said getting your attention.

"What is it?" You asked sitting close to him.

"Okay, you know that we are getting old and we've known each other for a long time."

"Yeah, that's right. I mean you didn't scream on my face when you lost your virginity." You said giggling.

"Very funny. Ha. Ha." He said and he can tell that you were tipsy. He already drunk more beers than you but he was so nervous that it feels like the alcohol didn't affect him.

"Fine, just tell me what you want to say." You said.

"What do you think of me as your partner? Not as a friend or partner in crime but as a lover." He said and you made a face, thinking about what he said.

"It will be weird but if I'm going to end up now with a guy? You will be my first choice but you should stop being a womanizer." You answered pointing at your beer at him. Chris looked at you and with the light from the fire and moon, you look beautiful.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, taking all his courage.

"You are drunk." You said laughing.

"Maybe I am but come on, what will be your answer? Because if you ask me I know you can make me the happiest man alive." He said playing with his beer bottle.

"It never crosses my mind but I'll say yes." You answered making him smile.

"Let say if you are 35 years old, still not married and still single, you have to marry me." He said "Deal?"

Chewing your lower lips "Deal." You answered.

For you, it was just a random drunk topic but for Chris he means it.

|End of Part XV|

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