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Chris and others were already in the restaurant when you arrived. They were already had a table and talking. There was a playful grin on their faces, seeing you and Sebastian arriving together, not to mention how Sebastian has his hand at your back, protectively.

"Hi guys." You greeted, giving each man a kiss in the cheeks as they greeted you back.

"Isn't that cute." Anthony started "our couple has arrived. We thought you two aren't coming."

"I mean we won't mind but still, just give us a heads up." Chris said who was sitting beside Anthony.

You were on a round table, you were sitting between Tom and Sebastian, while Sebastian was next to Chris who is sitting next to Anthony then Tom. Everyone started to talk and laugh, until everyone has a topic of their own. You don't know what or how but you were talking to Tom about Bon Iver.

"For Emma is one my favorite." You said smiling, enjoying the topic.

"Good choice. I have to agree with you." Tom said.

"His music is unique." You added.

"Yes, there something on how he made music. I mean it is not for everyone but I love his style." Tom enthusiastically said.

Sebastian who was busy talking to Chris and Anthony couldn't help but to looked at you from time to time. He heard you laughing and the way you smile at Tom made him... No, he doesn't want to admit it. But seeing how you enjoyed talking with Tom and the simple tap on Tom's shoulder kinda hurts. Shrugging the negative thought.

"They are just having a friendly conversation." He scolded himself.

Dinner was almost done, you guys were finishing the desserts. Sebastian watched you as you enjoyed your cake.

"[Y/N], careful. Aren't you watching your figure?" Anthony let out a laugh.

"Me? Watching my figure? You are making me laugh." You said before taking another bite.

"Nah, I think Sebastian won't mind." Tom commented on making you roll your eyes and the others to laugh.

"Well, I think any size I would still love her." Sebastian proudly said.

Looking at him, you couldn't believe how open he is with his feelings for you. The other cheered and teased you two. You felt your blood rushing to your cheeks. The dinner ended with Sebastian giving you a ride home while Tom and Anthony rode with Chris.

"Thank you for coming, [Y/N]. I enjoyed our talk." Tom said giving you a quick hug and kiss in the cheeks.

"Me too. I didn't expect it but, yeah. I enjoyed it too." You responded.

"We should talk soon. I think, I'll enjoy talking to you." He said.

"I can't promise anything." You laughed.

"Now, I understand why Sebastian is in love with you." He said smiling at you.

"I.. it still feel weird hearing that." You said as a knot formed on your forehead.

"Well he is not afraid to show it." He said with a grin "he makes it obvious that he will not give up on you."

"I don't know how to react on that." You said.

"So I'll see you around." Anthony embraced you and kissed you on the cheek before letting go. This made you distracted from what Tom just said.

"Bye, Anthony." You said.

"Hey, don't forget to give me a hug." Chris complained.

"Come here, walking Doritos." You said pulling him into your arms "careful on your way home."

"You too, no monkey business and don't forget to use protection." Chris whispered to your ears which earned him a punch in the arm "ouch! That hurts."

"You deserves it." You said laughing at him.

The ride was silent but in a comforting way. If Sebastian finds an opportunity to hold your hands he would grab it and plant soft kisses at the back of your hand.

For a short amount of time, Sebastian were able to do things that your ex never did. Sebastian is more sweeter and gentle than your ex. He always makes sure to show you how much he loves you.

"Ahm, Seb would you like to grab a drink before going home." You said, "I mean coffee."

"Sure, when did I say no to you." He said smiling at you.

Somehow you don't want the night to end. You just want to be with him, just have his presence besides you. You were sitting next to him and hands entwined. Sebastian was close to your face as you two talked. Everything disappeared when you are with him. You are content with him. Then watching his lips moves and the way his eyes looked at you with tenderness, you realized it. Maybe it is time and you are ready. Without thinking you leaned in and kissed him. Yes, you are falling in love with Sebastian.

|End of Part XIII|

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