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Sebastian can't believe what he just heard. He felt a tear fall from his eyes and the pain in his heart. No, he did not just hear you say goodbye. You two were fine, great to be exact but what could possibly happen? Did he say something? Did he did something or did not do? Sebastian is confused and hurt.

You didn't get enough sleep that night. Letting the warm water run down to your body, your tears found it's way to escape from your eyes. Just when you are finally ready to start with Sebastian, Chris had an accident and it was because of you. This moment, Chris need you more than Sebastian do. The pain in your heart won't go and you are not sure when it will end.

"Lisa, you should go home. I can look after him." you said holding her hand.

"I don't want to leave him." she answered looking at her son.

"I know but if you get sick, Chris will not be happy."

"You are right. Besides, I need to get some stuff for him." she said standing up and then she faced you "[Y/N], promise me that you will not leave him."

"Lisa." you mumble, looking at Chris back to her pleading eyes, you nodded "Promise, I'll stay with him."

"Thank you."

Lisa left after and for some reason it felt like you were making a commitment not only for that moment but for the rest of your life. It still hurts to see Chris unconscious and weak. You miss his chicky smile and his dorkiness.

"Come on, wake up," you said but there is no response.

Taking a seat in the chair beside his bed, you didn't leave his side. You will never leave his side. Then Chris started to wake up.

"Chris?" you said running into his side, holding his hand.

"[Y/N]?" Chris said with a weak voice.

"Yes, it is me." you said cupping his face "I'm here."

"Is that really you?" he asked, trying to reach for your face.

"Yes." You answered placing your cheek on his hand "It's me."

"You are here," he said with a smile, you were happy but your heart aches.

The Doctor checked him and scheduled him for additional examinations just to make sure that there will be no complications.

"Do you want to eat or drink?" You asked.

"Water, please." Chris answered with a smile. He watched as you move, he couldn't believe that you were there.

"Why are you staring?" You asked handing him his water.

"I'm just happy that you are here." He said holding your hand "After what happened, I thought I have to live my life without you." Chris placed soft kisses on your knuckles.

"I'm not going anywhere." You said and you can feel his dry lips against your skin.

"You're staying?" Chris asked with hopes in his eyes. You nodded yes making his smile grow bigger "Thank you so much, [Y/N]. I promise, you will not regret this." He said caressing your face.

You hope so too. Just like you promise you did not leave him and in just a few days he was discharged and can go home.

"Chris, I'm no superwoman to actually carry you." you said as you feel him putting all his weight on you "I need you to help yourself."

"But I like this." he said, "It actually feels good to have your arms around me."

"Very flattering but we can't make it insides if you won't start walking." you scolded him but he just giggled.

"Yes, Ma'am," he said and you two started to move.

Chris was happy with you. He was doing his best to recover and to also make you happy. He can sure make you laugh and smile but once you were alone in your house, you couldn't help but think about Sebastian. You didn't give him any explanation and you have blocked his number.

Sipping your beer, emotions were mixing up; sadness, loneliness, and guilt. Tears started to fall from your eyes once more and you just let them flow. You thought that finally, your heart is fixed and this time it was you who broke your own heart.

Morning came and you tried your best to look okay. You don't want Chris to see you sad. Opening your front door you didn't expect to see him.

"I deserve an explanation." Sebastian was there, in front of you.

"New hair cut, it looks good on you. Different from the usual but it suits you." you said playing with your keys.

"It's for a new role." he simply answered.

"I see."

There was an awkward silence and you invited him inside. You know that this day will come but you never imagine that he will come and asked you in person. Looking at him, Sebastian looks tired and even with the new hairdo that gives him an edgy look he is the gentle guy you know. Then he spoke with a raspy voice, Sebastian looked at you and asked.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

|End of Part XXII|

Fixing A Broken Heart [Sebastian Stan X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now