Part X

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Sebastian was not moving, he stood still in front of you, blocking your way in. Your heart was beating fast and no matter how you tried to calm yourself, it just won't work.

"[Y/N], please talk to me." He held your hands against his "if not, just listen to me. I know it happened so fast but I didn't regret it. That kiss is one of the most amazing thing that happened to me." Stepping a bit closer, he held your chin up so he can gaze you into your eyes "I'm not yet planning to tell you this but you have rights to know." There was a pause, he took a deep breath and held your hand against his chest. You can feel his heart beat. "[Y/N], we've known each other for so long and I thought that it was just a simple crush and it will just pass by but it didn't. Instead, I found myself falling deeper. [Y/N], I love you." Sebastian finally said it.

"Seb, I.. I don't. This is happening too fast. You're my friend. I just came out on a relationship 2 months ago and.." you found yourself rumbling words "I never. It never crossed my mind that this will happen."

"I'm not asking you to answer me immediately. But I don't want you to distance yourself from me. I can't stand it." Sebastian added pulling you closer "I will do anything for you."

"Sebastian" you breathe, closing your eyes "I don't want to lose what we have."

"But I want more than what we have. I love you and I'm willing to take my chances. I promise, just let me show you that I love you and if you can't return my feelings.." Sebastian pause for a second, you looked at him. There was pain in his eyes "if you can't love me back, I promise we can go back as friends. I'll try my best to bring back what we have."

"Sebastian." You said caressing his cheek "But what if everything change? What if it will not go back the way it was? I don't know if I can take that risk."

This made him sad, Sebastian finally confessed his feelings but you won't accept it.

"[Y/N], I understand how you feel but please, think about it. At least, let me show you how I feel. Let me show you what kind of love you deserves. If you are scared, [Y/N], I am too. With this I'm not only risking to lose a friend but the woman I love." He will do anything to convince you. Sebastian will not give up easily "I don't care how long I should wait."

"I'm a mess. I'm broken." You respond.

"I will accept every broken pieces of you and fix you. Even if I have to get hurt or give you a piece of me so you can be whole again, I won't mind because I'd be happy to give you everything I can... just let me."

"Sebastian, I can't guaranty anything but." You started "but maybe we can see where will this lead us."

This brought smile into Sebastian's face, couldn't compress it any longer he pulled you in his arms "Thank you, [Y/N]. You don't know how much this means to me."

Everything will change, you know that and you were not sure if it will be good or not. Sebastian is an amazing person and hurting him is something you don't want to do. But are you ready for this? Can you return his feelings? You were confused and scared, what if you'll lose him?

|End of Part X|

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