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After dinner, you and Sebastian decided to have a time alone. You two went to your room. He told you about the premiere, the Golden Globes, and the comic con. You couldn't help but smile at him, seeing how happy he talks about it and how amazing his fans are.

"Gosh, I don't know what I did that I have amazing fans." Sebastian covered his face with his hands.

"Well, maybe I can help you with that," you said making him looked at you.

"Really?" He asked holding your hand.

"Because you are amazing too, not only as an actor but as a person. You are kind to them. You show them that you really care and you appreciate even the small things they do. Those are the few reasons why they love you." you said playing with his hands.

"Can you answer this one for me?" He asked sitting a bit closer to you.

"If I can why not." You chuckled.

"Why I'm so in love with you?" Sebastian caressed your face lovingly "It is so crazy how much I love you."

"I think you're the one who can answer that." you sighed.

Sebastian leaned in and capture your lips. He missed you so much. He just wants to be close to you, to feel you. He pulled you closer and you didn't hesitate to return his kisses. You realized how much you care for him and how each day past that you find yourself falling in love with him. No words came out after the kiss, all you know you just want to lay there and sleep next to him.

The next morning, Sebastian is woken up with the view of your face and a smile automatically appears on his face. This is how he sees himself every morning, every day of his life, next to you.

"Seb, you need to answer that," you mumbled opening your eyes.

"What?" he asked when he realized that his phone is ringing "Shit! It's my manager." then looking at the time "I'm going to be late!" he exclaimed almost jumping out of the bed.

"Hey, careful." You said in your morning voice.

"God, your morning voice is so sexy." Sebastian leaned in and kissed you "I'll see you later?"

"Of course." You answered.

Sebastian leaned in for another kiss before leaving. You couldn't help but feel happy whenever you are with him. It felt like you are falling in love for the first time again. Sebastian on the other hand, the smile on his face won't fade and he was so energetic.

"Hello." you said answering your phone.

"[Y/N], can you drop by in my room?" It was Chris and his voice sounds weak.

"Sure, are you okay?"

"To be honest, no."

"Just give me few minutes and I'll be there." after getting ready you went to his room "Hey, how are you?"

"Good morning." Chris opened the door for you "I don't feel well."

"Oh, Chris." you gave him a quick hug "come on, you should be resting." leading him back inside "Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry." he said laying in his bed.

"You have to eat. You can't drink your medicine with an empty stomach." scolding him.

"Fine." he gave in.

"Good, I will feed you just to make sure that you'll finish your food," you said smiling at him.

You took the tray of foods, it was pancakes, cereal, and some fruits. Chris watch you as you feed him and this brings a smile into his face. Noticing this, you couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked.

"Nothing, you are a big and macular but sometimes you can be such a baby," you said smiling at him.

"Hey, I'm not being a baby. I'm human too and I am still prone to getting sick." he fought back.

"But your sarcasm and sassiness won't go, even you are sick." You said feeding him a spoonful of food.

"I'm just being honest." He answered with foods in his mouth.

"Well, I'm being honest too." Looking at Chris you know you don't want his fever to go up "look, you have to take a rest."

"Can you stay with me?" He pleaded, holding your hand.

"Sure, I'll just tell Sebastian that I cant make it today." You told him.

That moment, Chris wants to feel guilty but he just want your undivided attention. He knows that you have feelings for Sebastian but maybe for that moment he can have you all to himself.
Sebastian received your text that and he felt disappointed. He thought that he can walk around the convention with you but it seems like it will not happen. Then he remembers, how Chris can make you happy. This thought that other man can make you happy hurts him. He wants you to love him back. The day goes by with him trying his best not to feel jealous of Chris.

|End of Part XVIII|

A/n: Something is missing.

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