Part XVI

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Whenever Chris is leaving, he always asked you not to see him off and you couldn't help but to agree. You were never fond of goodbyes.

"What are you doing here?" You asked seeing Sebastian on your doorstep.

"I just want to see you before I leave." He answered. Pulling him into your arms, your noses trill filled with his scent "I'm going to miss you."

"Me too but your premier is waiting." You said nuzzling closer if possible.

"I know, we need to figure something out." Sebastian planted a kiss in your cheek.

"Okay, have a safe trip." You said caressing his cheek.

"I'll call you as soon as I landed." He said and you nodded "I love you."

Then with a peck on the lips, he left. You don't know how long before you see him and going back inside, it sinked in that he will not be there physically and you can't hold him. You stayed home and you felt lonely. Tears started to fall from your eyes and you just want Sebastian back. After what your ex did, you were traumatized. Your doorbell rang, hoping that it might be Sebastian you immediately answered it.


"Hey." It was Chris. "Sorry but I'm not, Sebastian."

"I'm sorry." You said "come in."

"My flight was moved." He told you and he noticed that your eyes were swollen and your nose were red "Were you crying?" He asked cupping your face "what happened?"

"Nothing, it.. its just. Forget it, Chris." You said avoiding the topic.

"No, I can't. Why are you crying? Did Sebastian said something?" Chris' voice was worried and there was a hint of anger. You know how protective he is when it comes to you.

"No! Sebastian didn't say anything that can upset me." Was Your immediate respond.

"Then tell me why are you crying?" He said and you know you have to answer him.

"I feel alone, Chris. I'm afraid that Sebastian will not feel the same the next time we see each other." You said.

"[Y/N], don't think about that. Sebastian, loves you so much." He said embracing you "I'm sure he even loves you more."

"But what if..."

"[Y/N], don't think that you are easily to forget. Trust me on this." Chris tightens his arms around you.

"Easy for you to say." You respond resting your head on his chest and you can hear his heartbeat.

"Your heart beat is fast." You mumbled but loud enough for him to hear.

"What do you expect? I just thought that my best friend got dumped." He said but deep inside he wants to tell you that his heart beats fastened because of you "You know what, I'll stay for tonight and we will do what you want."

"You don't need to do that." You said letting him go.

"Come on, I'll be away for a week."


Chris picked you up and sway you around making you giggled. That night he cooked for you and maybe if you weren't there he almost burned it. During dinner, you received a call from Sebastian.

"Hi." You answered suddenly feeling happy.

"Now, I just want to go back to the plane and be with you." Sebastian responded.

"I take that you have arrived safely." You giggled.

"Don't torture me with your laugh." He yelped.

"You are being dramatic." You told him.

"Is it too much?"

"Yes, it is." You answered.

"No phones on the table." Chris said fooling around.

"Is that Chis?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, his flight was move and staying for the night." You said.

"I see." Sebastian somehow feel uncomfortable with the idea. He knows that he is your best friend but something tells him that it was not a good idea.

"End that call young lady or you'll sleep with an empty stomach." Chris said making you glared at him "don't give me that look." He added.

"You're in my house, Evans." You routed back then going back to your phone "Seb, I'll call you back. Chris is acting like my mom.."

"Sure, I love you." Sebastian said making you smile.

"I'll talk to you later. Get some rest. Bye." You hung up the phone and continued to glare at Chris.


"Don't play innocent on me." You said pouting.

"Hey, I'm just saying that it is not nice to answer phone calls during meal." He reasoned out "Besides you can call him after this."

And you two went back to eating. Chris noticed the changes in your mode, from sad you became happy all of a sudden. That night, he decided to avoid asking you about Sebastian. Chris was not prepared to hear about it.

"Can we watch a different movie?" Chris complained.

"What? I like this movie." You said. You were watching Not Another Teen Movie "I like this movie."

"Seriously? You are just going to make fun of me." He said.

"No! You think I can do that to you? I'm so disappointed in you." You said pretending to be hurt.

"I know you can, that's why We have to change it."

"And you said we can do what I want. This is what I want to watch."

Chris knew that he was defeated, so he just rolled his eyes and chuckled.

|End of Part XVI|

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