Part XXI

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Trying to be free from Chris' embrace, you can feel your heart clench. This can't be happening.

"Chris, please." you said trying to push him.

"No. No, I had enough." Chris said tightening his arms around you "I've waisted too much time."

"This is wrong."

"There is no right or wrong in love," he responded.

"Chris, you know that I'm in love with Sebastian," you said making him lose his arms around you.

"Can you at least give me a chance?" Chris' gaze did not leave yours "Can you let me show you that I can be the right guy for you."

"I... Sebastian is your friend. Chris, you are the one who told me to give Sebastian a chance and now you are telling me to..." you don't know what to say, how to react "Chris..."

"[Y/N], I love you. I'm there for you since the beginning. I've loved you ever since." Chris held your face, caressing your cheeks lovingly "I was scared because you are all I've wanted and I am not good enough. I'm broken and you... My gosh [Y/N] if only you knew how wonderful you are." He frustratedly said.

"Chris, I'm your best friend! Sebastian is your friend. You can't do this to us."

"Is it wrong to finally follow my heart?" you can feel the pain in his voice "[Y/N], you and Sebastian are selfish." this made you off gourd "You are happy now. So I am no longer needed."

"Chris, what are you talking about?" you said trying to reach for him "You are important to me."

"Then why can't you chose me?"

"Because you and Sebastian are important to me and you can't just expect me to choose," you said and then seeing the look on Chris' "No, I will not. Chris, yo-you can't make me choose between you two."

"If it is the only way to settle this then you have to choose." Chris held you close.

"No, no, you are the one who is being selfish."

"[Y/N], I can love you more than Sebastian can."

"Chris, I'm sorry." treas started to fall and that moment Chris knew that you have made a decision.

"You are choosing him." he said with a broken heart.

"Chris, I'm not saying tha..."

"No [Y/N], I think I know exactly you are saying."

Chris rushed out and didn't look back. This breaks your heart, the man you've grew up with, the man who knows your secrets, your dreams, your partner in crime just run away from you. You no longer hold the tears back, you let it out until you were subbing and breathing started to get harder.

Sebastian texted you asking if you are okay, you told him that you were even you were not. You cried yourself to sleep that night but something wakes you up. Your phone was ringing, it was Lisa.

"Lisa, how are..."

"[Y/N] please tell me you are with Chris?" Her voice was shaking.

"No, I am not. Are you okay?" You sincerely asked.

"Oh [Y/N], Chris.. my.. Chris is in the hospital. He was in a car accident. They said he was drunk. I don't..." Lisa broke down in tears "[Y/N] please. Be with him, I'll try to be there as soon as I can. Please, I want to make sure someone is looking after him. [Y/N], I don't know what to do."

"Tell me what hospital and I'll be there." you tried your best to sounds strong for her. You knew that Lisa needs someone to lean on.

"Thank you so much, [Y/N]." she said with her cry.

"Everything will be alright. I.. I will look after him for you." you told her.

This may not be the best idea after what happened but you can't just abandon him. He is still your best friend.

Once in the hospital, the doctor said that Chris was hit pretty hard and needs to rest. You were still waiting for the test results but they told you that it was not that serious. By morning he got his own room and you never left his side. His view pears your heart; there was a cut on his lips, scratches, and bruises on his face, and lines were drawn on his forehead. They may say it was nothing serious but seeing his condition, you can tell that he was hurt, not only physically but emotionally.

"I'm sorry." you said breaking down "I'm sorry, this is my fault. Please, be okay. I can't afford to see you like this." caressing his cheek "please, wake up."

Lisa finally arrived and not a single moment you left, not until she told you to go home and have some rest "I'll be fine, I can take things from here." Lisa gave your hand a soft squeeze.

"I'm fine, I can stay." you insisted.

"[Y/N], you can go home. You are pale and you to need some rest." Lisa smiled at you lovingly "You can still come back once you have enough rest."

"I will." you embraced her before leaving.

"[Y/N], thank you," she said sincerely and this breaks your heart knowing that you might be the reason why her son is in the hospital bed.

Without saying a word, you pulled her again for an embrace and you quickly left. You can't bear to see them like that. You couldn't compress your feelings that once you were in your car, you let your tears fall. Your best friend is in the hospital because of you. Then you can hear your phone ringing, there were numbers of texts and missed calls and all of them were from Sebastian.

"Thank God, you finally answered." you can hear the relief in his voice "Why are you not answering your phone? You got me worried." you couldn't utter a word "[Y/N], are you still there?"

"Yeah," you answered pretending to sounds okay but failed.

"[Y/N], darling are you okay? Are you crying? What happened?" Sebastian's voice was full of worried yet it still sounds so gentle.

"I'm sorry but I have to say goodbye. Sebastian, thank you for everything." you said.

"Hey, don't say it like you really are saying goodbye to me."

"I am saying goodbye. Sebastian, I'm sorry but this is the last time you'll ever talk to me." then you hang up.

|End of Part XXI|

Fixing A Broken Heart [Sebastian Stan X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now