Part XXV

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Sebastian's heart stills ache every time he remembers the day you pushed him away. He shows to everyone that he was okay even deep inside he was dying. He tried everything he could to be busy and forget about you but it didn't work. Maybe it is still early to move on.

"Just when you thought you found the person you want to spend your entire life with, it turned out that she is not the one," Sebastian said to himself "No wonder I am scared of commitment." letting out a heavy sighed after drinking his beer "Growing old alone isn't that bad, I think."

He can feel the liquor flowing in his veins. Sebastian had a few days off and so far for his first day, he managed to get himself drunk. Looking for his card key, he lean against the door.

"Where the hell is it?! Oh there is it." He said kissing the key. Opening the door "I made it."

Walking, well more like dragging himself, Sebastian didn't expect his visitor "Am I already dreaming, cause I'm having a nightmare." He said drunkenly.

"Great, he is drunk." You said.

"I am and this is all because of you." He said pointing a finger at you "because of you and him!" Pointing at Chris.

"We can't talk to him in this condition." Chris said "We will just come back." you stood up and made your way to the door.

"No! No! We will talk." Sebastian sat on the couch "Take a sit if I am dreaming at least in my dream we can talk."

"Sebastian, we will just come back tomorrow when you are sober." You started to walk.

"I SAID WE WILL TALK!" Sebastian screamed making you and Chris stopped "I need you to explain me what happened." His voice was broken.

"What do you want to know?" Chris asked sitting across him.

"Chris, this conversation will go nowhere. He is not himself." You told him.

"But this is the state that he will be more honest to us." Chris reasoned out, you don't want to admit it but Chris is right. People tends to be more honest when they are drunk. So you sat across them.

"Oh I can be honest, I'm not sure with you two." Sebastian words were getting to your nerves.

"Fine, no lies, all truth and I hope you are ready to the things you will hear." You said glaring at him. You asked yourself if this is really the man you love and is this how much damage you caused him?

"In my case?" Sebastian sighed with a bitter smile "For someone left hanging? I think I'm willing to accept any answer. Can you just tell me what happened that the man I trust and the woman I love betrayed me? Am I not enough?"

"Sebastian, you are more than what I pray for." You said.

"Then why? Is it because Chris is way good looking than me? Is it because he is more popular than me?"

"I made her chose." Chris butted in.

"You really are a good actor, you made me believe that you got my back" Sebastian's eyes were full of anger "but the truth is you are just using me. You two used me."

"[Y/N], never used you." Chris stated.

"Yes, she did. I gave her everything I can, I wasted my time and effort. She.." Sebastian looked at you and ever words cuts "you made me believe that you feel the same way. I will never regret loving you. I want to blame you but I told myself that it is fine if she use me, as long as she is happy. Yet here we are with you two watching me break down. Damn it, I don't know what to do?" burying his face onto his hands.

"Sebastian, l want you to know that I appreciate everything you did for me. I don't deserve any of it, I don't deserve your kindness." You kneeled besides him and took his hands. This gesture made Sebastian look at you "I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I didn't treat you right. If I left you without telling you the truth. I want you back and I need you back." you said kissing his hands "I can't live another day without you."

"[Y/N]." Sebastian cupped your face and kissed you on the forehead.

Seeing that he is not needed, Chris left and leave you two alone. He needs to think, he need to figure something out. Few hours came by and Chris knew that you stayed with Sebastian and will be spending the night in his room.

Getting drunk is easy but the aftermath is the hardest. Sebastian was awake but he couldn't open his eyes, his head was pounding but he had an amazing dream. He dremt that you two were finally together but it was just a dream. Sebastian groaned loudly.

"Head hurts!! Heart hurt. Dumb, it." he said opening his eyes "What am I thinking and getting myself drunk?"

"You really that drunk," you said.

"[Y/N]?" Sebastian felt awake all of a sudden. He couldn't believe that you were there sitting on the chair next to his bed "You are here? So last night, it all happened?"

"Yes, you were not dreaming. All of it, it happened." you said observing his reaction.

"I'm sorry if I said something..."

"Don't be." you sat in front of him on the bed and held his hand "You don't need to apologize."

"But last night I remember shouting at you and Chris," he responded with sincerity in his face.

"We pretty much expecting you to do it," you told him with a smile.

"So, does it mean... [Y/N], you're taking me back." Sebastian held your hand this time. He was like a child begging. Gently you held his face on your hand and kissed him on the forehead.

"That is if you are going to take me back," you said gazing straight into his eyes.

Sebastian's lips formed into a smile "With all my heart." he said pulling you into a kiss.

|End Of Part XXV|

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