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Chris pulled you into his arms and embrace you so tight as if his life depends on it. Kissing you on the head, Chris let your scent drown him. He doesn't know if this is the closest he can get to you but he knows he has to do what he has to do.

"Damn it, [Y/N] I love you much. Always remember that." you can feel his heart beating but not the pain in it "[Y/N], I want you to be happy. I saw how you look at Sebastian..." you felt your heart sunk by the mention of his name then Chris continued "I can tell by the way you talk to him and how your eyes sparks whenever you speaks his name. I can tell that you finally found the guys you've been waiting for. [Y/N], I know I will never be the guy you will end up with. So, even it hurts, even it kills me." Chris slowly let you go, his arms loosen and his hand cupped your wet cheek.

"Chris." you just noticed that you were already crying, he wipe your tears with his thumb.

"I want my best buddy to be happy and to be with the man she loves." Chris genuinely smiled at you with a broken heart. He just wants you to be happy even he is not the reason for it "I'm sorry if I ruined what you have with Sebastian but let me help you."

"I don't think he will ever talk to me," you said wiping your own tears.

"[Y/N], I started this and I will help you so you can be with him." Chris insisted.

"Chris, I know how painful it is for you to do this but I don't think Sebastian will take me back. I left him without giving any reason." You were out of hope as a bittersweet smile formed on your lips "He will not take me."

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]. But I will still try." Chris said holding both of your hands "I caused this, it is just right for me to fix this."

"Chris, no one can fix a broken heart," you mumbled.

"No, you know if it wasn't for Sebastian you will never move on from your ex." he responds "Actually, I think he really is the one for you. So, if I'm going to lose you might as well lose you to someone I know who will never hurt you. I'll make sure that this time, I will make it right."

You were out of words that all you can do was to give him a hug. You know you can never be mad at him. Chris is always there for you and you feel bad that you can't return his feelings, he also deserves to be happy. He's been through a lot and he deserves to find someone who can love him wholeheartedly.

Packing your stuff, Chris told you where Sebastian will be and he already booked a flight for both of you. There was no assurance that everything will go as it planned.

"Sebastian loves you so much for him not to take you back." Chris squeeze your hand gently.

"I just want to see him and tell him how I feel. I don't care if he will take me back or not." You said closing your suitcase then taking a long pause; you couldn't take it anymore, tears streamed down your face "Chris, who I am fooling? I want him back. I need him."

"Come here." Chris pulled you into his arms and gave you a comforting embrace "Because you love him that's why you need him. He is hurting too. Trust me, he still loves you. I don't know if I told you this before but Sebastian once told me that he was so scared of falling in love but with you, he will conquer all of his fears just to be with you." taking a deep breath "because he knows it is worth it, you are worth it."

Wiping your tears, looking at Chris "Don't get my hopes up."

"I am not." he chuckled.

You can feel your heart beating fast like it will jump out from your chest anytime soon. You don't know how but Chris told you that you two will corner Sebastian.

"Are you nuts? How on earth you can do that?" you irritatedly said.

"No, I am not a nut I am Chris." he sassy answered rolling his eyes but this earned him a glare from you "Okay, I'm sorry. Trust me on this, I know his hotel room, I told his manager that I'm planning to surprise him."

"I don't want to admit this but that's kinda good plan except he will either shut the door in our faces or he will not answer the door!" you pointed out.

"You are so negative!" Chris sighed "Just like Sebastian."

"And you are not?" you raised a brow at him.

"That! I'm still working on that." he said giving you the card key to your room "Here, we are roommates."

"I just hope your plan works," you said taking the card key from him.

"I told you, I will do everything I could." Chris tries to reach for your face but he decided to just pat you on the head.

|End of Part XXIV|

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