Part VI

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"5 more minutes." You mumbled hearing your phone ringing and when it did not stop you looked at it and saw your best friend's name

"Chris, I'm still sleeping. I'll talk to you later."

You said answering the phone and hung up after. Going back to your sleep, Chris stopped calling you but after a few minutes, your heard your doorbell. You've tried to ignore it but whoever was on your doorstep, that person will not go away and you have an idea who it might be. Opening the door, you were welcome by Chris smiling face and Dogger.

"Good morning, sunshine." He greeted.

"What is good in the morning if you were peaceful sleeping and you decided to abuse my doorbell." You grumpily said.

"I see that you're still not a morning person," Chris added still smiling, earning him a deadly glare and the person behind him.

"Hey, it's his idea, not mine," Sebastian said raising his hands in the air.

"Look, Seb, Dogger and I are going for a run. You have to join us." Chris said holding you in the shoulder.

"You said it yourself, I'm not a morning person so I'm not going. Enjoy." You said closing your door but Chris was fast and hold your door "Chris!"

"Look, I heard you ate a whole pizza and you need to burn it." He said making you looked at Sebastian who looked away and pretending to be innocent "He talks about you a lot." Rolling your eyes "[Y/N], come on. I know your heart is still broken but you need to be in shape."

"I swear, you are pushing your luck." You said trying to threaten him.

"I just want to run with my best friend. After a week I have to go back to LA." He said in a serious tone "and it might take months before I come home."

You suddenly felt guilty and deep inside he was right "Fine, give me 15 minutes. Why won't you two come inside first."

"Yes!" Chris victoriously exclaimed, hugging you "You really are the best."

"Oh! I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Dogger and Seb. You're going to wait here in outside."

Next thing you knew, you were trying to catch your breath. Noticing that you were falling behind, Sebastian stopped.

"[Y/N], are you okay?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, you.." you took another deep breath "I'm fine, Seb. It's been a while since the last time I run or even exercise."

Sebastian just chuckled "In that case, we'll take it slow. Do you want to walk with me?" He asked extending a hand which you took.

"Of course." You respond encircling an arm around his "this is so unfair, you and Chris are used to this."

"We have to, besides you have a whole pizza to burn," Sebastian said smiling at you.

"I think I did burn that last night when you tickled me." You said laughing at the memory.

You two continued to walk and talk about their diet to mention their bodies and the workout program he was in. Just thinking about it made you feel like you've already lost some weight. Being a superhero isn't easy. You didn't notice it but every time that he is around, you are happy. You don't think about your ex or other problems you have. Sebastian became your comfort zone.

After the morning run, you guys end up in a cafe eating pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"I asked you to run with us so we can burn some calories, not gain them," Chris said glaring at you.

"Well, you want to spend time with me right? So deal with it." You said winking at him.

"Hey, try to put the maple syrup on the bacon. It's heaven!" Sebastian suggested which you did.

"Oh my!! That was great! I think I'm in love." You happily exclaimed enjoying the saltiness of bacon mixing with the sweetness of maple syrup "Seb, you're a genius." You added kissing him in the cheek.

|End of Part VI|

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