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Rocky's P.O.V

When we got to starbucks I told Laura she could go find us a table and I would get the coffee's. When I got the coffee's the lady that gave them to me she handed me a piece of paper that had her number on it and I just handed ot back she frowned and I walked away to go sit with Laura.

Rocky:Here's your coffee. So when's your birthday *sitting down and sipping his coffee*

Laura:November 29,1995 you?

Rocky:November 1,1994 whoa a year and 28 days apart

Laura:So what's your favorite color?

Rocky:Lime green you?


Rocky:So what's your astrialogicl sign?


Rocky:Mine is a scorpio

And we kept asking each other questions and when I looked at my phone it said 12:23 pm. man we've been talking for that long.

Rocky:Wow we've been talking for almost 2 and a half hours

Laura:Whoa time flew by fast

Rocky:I know want to come over to my house and hangout a little more maybe we could do this *kisses her then pulls away*

Laura:I'm fine with that

Rocky:Okay let's go then

Me and Laura go to my house and as soon as we get there I get out of the car and open Laura's door too and then we both walk over to the door and I get my key out and open it. Then me and Laura went upstairs and into my room we closed the door and sat on the bed and it was silent but then I broke the silence.

Rocky:I was just thinking do you like me?



Laura:Are you alright

Rocky:Yeah but I was also thinking of something else

Laura:What is it

Rocky:Will you be my girlfriend


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