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-17 weeks later-

Laura's P.O.V

Me and Ross were sitting in the living room waiting until it was time for my second appointment. Today was the day we found out the sex of the baby. I looked at the clock and seen it was time to go. I told Ross and he walked over to his moms house and we dropped Ryan off and went to my appointment.

-Later When They Arrive-

We got there and got taken to the room where I was gettting the ultrasound. I layed on the bed and they rubbed the gel on my stomach and put the ultrasound transducer on my stomach and moved it around until they got a good angle of the baby to see the gender. We waited a while until the doctor spoke.

Doctor: Laura your having twins a boy and a girl.

Laura: Really?!

Doctor: Wait? *she looked closer to the screen* Actually your having triplets i didnt see the other one it was hiding and its a girl.

Ross: This is amazing Laura!

Laura: I know let's go home and think of some baby names.

Ross: Okay.

We left the hospital and went home. When we got home we sat on the couch

Ross: How about we start with naming one of the girls?

Laura: Okay.

Ross: How about we both get a notebook to write the names down?

Laura: Okay can you get mine I don't feel like getting up.

Ross: Sure.

Ross left to go get the notebooks then came back and sat on the couch again. I started writing names down.

Ross: Tell me the names you've got so far.

Laura: Christina, Ella, Michelle, Lily, Morgan, Elizabeth, Rachel, Alice, and Madison. What about you?

Ross: Hannah, Alicia, Megan, Taylor, Jennifer, Alyssa, Allie, Lexi, and Chelsea. How about one of the girls names can be Ella Lexi Lynch and the other can be Lily Megan Lynch.

Laura: I like those names they sound so cute. Now let's do the boys name.

I write down boys names that I can think of and so does Ross.

Laura: What names do you have?

Ross: Chase, Max, Michael, Emmet, Alex, Jason, and John.

Laura: I have Tim, Anthony, Alec, Louis, Ricky, Jacob, and Edward.

Ross: What about we name him Louis Edward Lynch.

Laura: Your so good at coming up with names.

Ross: Why thank you so do you want me to get my brothers and Rydel to help fix the rooms up?

Laura: Sure.

Ross' P.O.V

I went across the street and walked into my parents house.

Stormie: Why are you here today?

Ross: I came to get Riker, Rocky, Ryland, and Rydel.

Stormie: What for?

Ross: So they can help me decorate the three rooms me and Laura dont use.

Stormie: Why?

Ross: Because we just found out today that we are having triplets.

Stormie: Oh My Stars what are the sexs of the babies?

Ross: Mom you know you ask a lot of questions right? *laughs* But there are two girls and a boy.

Stormie: *Speachless*

Ross: Well I'm going to go get my siblings.

I left and went up stairs to Riker's room. I knocked on the door.

Riker: Come in.

Ross: *Walks In*

Riker: Oh hey what are you doing here bro?

Ross: I came here to ask you and all of our other siblings to help me fix up the spare rooms in my house. Can you go tell everybody else that and meet me down stairs?

Riker: Sure.

I left his room and he followed to go to each of their rooms and I went downstairs and sat on the couch and watch tv until they all were ready.

-1 hour later-

Ross: Come on Rydel. Your taking forever.

Rydel: *Coming down the stairs* I'm coming. I'm coming.

We all left to go to Ikea and I got Rydel to help me find out what color paints I should use she picked out a Cool Lagoon Blue, Rose Mist Pink and we just decided to leave the other girls room white so I got Riker to get the paint and then we headed over to the furniture. First we started with the boys room. Then we went to the girls room.Then we got everything and put it in a big truck and sent it over to my house and we started painting. Then later that day after 10 hours of painting and decorating we finally finished and I asked Laura to come up and look at them.

Laura: Oh my god Ross these look amazing!

Ross: They helped me out most of the designing was Rydel.

Laura: Thanks Rydel. *hugs Rydel*

Rydel: No problem Laura. *hugs back but not tightly*


Yay long chapter and I finally updated. But thanks to my best friend @SarahJamesHorann she help me when I was struggling with ideas but if I ever need ideas please help by giving me some and I will post a video on YouTube of the rooms. If you want to go check it out my YouTube is Raura_Edits &R5_Edits.



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