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Ross' P.O.V

Man what have I done I don't know what I have to do to fix this man Laura's probably going to...

Laura's P.O.V

I see Ross angry with a picture of us smashed on the ground.

Laura:Ross what happened

Ross:I'm mad at my self


Ross:Because I cheated on you *he said under his breath*

Laura:What did you say I couldn't hear you

Ross:I cheated on you Laura and I'm really sorry I didn't mean for it to happen

Laura:What do you mean you cheated did you kiss another girl or did you have sex with another girl

Ross:Actually it was niether of those

Laura:Then what was it Ross hmm

Ross:One of my fans came up to me and kissed me and I don't want that to ruin our relationship

Laura:Ross that's not cheating unless you kissed back


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