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Rocky's POV

I was sitting in my room with nothing to do so I called Max up and asked him if he wanted to go to the carnival or something. He said sure so I drove to his house picked him up and drove to the carnival.

When we got there I bought our tickets and we headed into it to see what we could do next. We started to pass by this huge roller coaster.

Max: Wait lets go on that one.

Rocky: Ok.

We walk over to it and waited in line. The line was pretty long so we waited there for hours and by the time we got on it it was getting close to becoming dark outside. After we road the roller coaster we both were dizzy. We walked to the car and I drove to his house and dropped him off then went home and fell asleep.

-- 2 weeks later --

I woke up ready for the events that are gonna happen today. I have to take Allie to the doctor so we can find out the gender of the baby. Allie said it was alright for Max to come since he might become my new boyfriend soon... But I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth, put deodorant on, went back into my room chose a grey small button up shirt, a pair of dark jeans and my green converse. But I didn't really feel like fixing my hair that much so I brushed it then put a black beanie on.

I went downstairs and saw mom was cooking breakfast so I grabbed a water bottle to wait until the food was done. I almost forgot to go check on Allie. I went back upstairs and went into her and the babies room. She was sleeping peacefully. I shook her gently awake and helped her up so she could get ready and then eat breakfast. But I helped her sit up then went to get Rydel to help her get ready. Rydel came in the room and helped her. I just went back down to eat and then wait on Rydel to bring Allie down.

If your wondering 'What about Rydellington' They are together and engaged but they live together. Now your probably like 'Why is Rydel here then' well she's here to help Allie get dressed and ready for the day because I'm a guy I can't help a girl that I'm not dating or soon to be married to get ready. I checked the time it was 8:42 am and I decided to go hang with Max for a while but I wanted to do something special before we find out the gender because the appointment is at 10 so I have about an hour. I went to the location I wanted to set this up at.

I called Riker, Ryland, Ross and Ratliff. I told them to come to this location and bring rose pedals and a blanket. They brought the stuff then helped me set it up. I laid the blanket down and they helped put the pedals in a heart shape.
They stayed there to watch over it so no one would mess it up. I walked to Max's house and picked him up.

Max: So where are we going.

Rocky: It's a surprise.

Yes okay I set this up for Max but you don't know what's going to happen. But we did get closer these past few days so I thought I would take that next step.

When we were close I told him to put a blindfold on and he did. When we actually arrived I parked went to his side and showed him where to go. Once I was right in front of everything I told him to take the blindfold off and he did. His reaction to what I set up was cute. He started blushing.

Max: Aww Rocky did you set this up for me.

Rocky: Yes and I'm sorry for not having that much stuff I just didn't have that much time to get a lot of stuff set up.

Max: Rocky it's okay as long as you set it up. I will always love it.

Rocky: Okay follow me.

I led him into the center of the heart and I got on one knee and asked him one single question.

Rocky: Will you do me the honor and be my boyfriend?

Max: *gasps* Yes! Yes!

I slid the promise ring on his finger and stood up and we kissed for the first time. But instead of it being awkward it was loving. I pulled away and checked the time.

Rocky: Max me and you need to go pick up Allie and take her to her appointment to find out the gender.

Max: Okay.

Me and Max jumped into the car the others arrived in and drove to my house. I got out and helped Allie into the car. Then I drove to the appointment. When we got there we had to wait 5 minutes until they called her back.

Nurse: Allie Smith.

I helped Allie up and Max got up too we followed the nurse to the room but before she let us in she looked at me and Max.

Nurse: Which one of you are the father?

Rocky: I am but he's my boyfriend and we might adopt him or her when him or her is older.

Nurse: Okay Allie lay on the bed and you boys sit in the chairs until I get back.

I helped Allie on the bed and I sat beside Max.

Allie: So you two are official dating now?

Rocky: Yeah I just asked him before we went to pick you up.

Allie: Aww your cute together.

The nurse walked back in and then sat her papers on the computer roller and took the container of gel and put some on Allie's belly me and Max stood up and walked beside Allie and waited a little until the nurse said...

Nurse: Your having a







A baby boy.

Hope you enjoyed please comment what you think of this chapter it would be amazing if you could.


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