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(sorry for skipping had an idea. Also if you have seen twilight and know the piano tune Edward plays during breaking dawn 2 listen to that while reading this chapter.)

-- 5 years later --

Ross' POV

Me and Laura were kinda fighting at the moment. The reason is because Ryan was in a argumentative mood.
We were going to take him to my parents house so we could have thanks giving dinner. But he didn't want to go. He wanted to go to Laura's parents house instead. (Btw Ryan is ten)

Laura wanted to take him to my parents house too. But he kept screaming at Laura and saying she was a bad mom for not letting him choose where he wants to go. I don't think he gets that Laura has to take care of four kids sometimes cook, and clean. Today I think she gave up because she ran to our room.

I followed her and before I went in I heard her sniffling. I slowly opened the door and I heard her trying to make it seem like she wasn't crying. I walked over to her and sat beside her in the floor.

Ross: Laura it's okay to cry.

Laura: No it isn't it makes me feel weak like I'm the tiniest piece of grain in the world.

Ross: Laura your not the tiniest piece of grain in the world. Do you want to know how I know that?

Laura: How?

Ross: Because you cook, clean, and take care of four wonderful kids. If you need to cry let it out whenever you feel like it.

Laura bursts out crying. I comfort her by holding her. She soon starts to wipe her tears away.

Ross: Are you done crying? Because if your not you can continue.

Laura: I think I am for now.

Ross: Okay.

I stand up then help her up. We go back downstairs and I see Ryan is not in the living room. I go to his room and see him crying in a corner.

Ross: Hey buddy. Whats wrong?

Ryan: Nothing. *tries to wipe away tears*

Ross: I know something's wrong. What is it?

Ryan: *sighs* I heard mommy crying and I heard you saying that it's not her fault. I felt bad for how I treated her. *starts crying again*

Ross: It's okay buddy let it out. Let's go apologize to mommy. Lets make her feel better.

Ryan: Okay.

I did the same with Ryan as I did with Laura. I stood up and helped him up. I picked him up and carried him into the living room where Laura was sitting on the couch.

Ryan: Mommy? *sniffles*

Laura: *turns around and looks at him* Yes?

Ryan: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. It just feels like sometimes you guys force me into doing things.

Ross: I'm sorry we make you feel that way. How about me, you, uncle Riker, and uncle Rocky go and have a guys night out. How does that sound?

Ryan: Great.

Ross: Okay go and get dressed and I will talk to mommy about it. Okay?

Ryan: Okay.

I put him down and he ran to his room.

Ross: Laura I was thinking maybe you would want to stay at my moms house today so she can help take care of Lily, Ellie, and Louis.

Laura: Okay. Let me get them in their car seats and you get Ryan ready.

Ross: Okay. Meet you in the car.

I go and see if Ryan is done getting dressed. I see that he is so I take him to the bathroom and fix his hair. Then I leave the bathroom after telling him to brush his teeth and use the bathroom.

I go and see if Laura needs help. I walk to the car and see she's not there. I then go to the triplets room and find her asleep in the rocking chair. I take Lilly and take her to the car put her in her car seat. Then I run to Ryan and tell him to go sit in the car while I gather his siblings up and put them in the car and get his mother. He runs to the car.

I go and get Ellie then take her to the car. Then I get Louis. After I've gotten all the kids in the car I go back into the kids room and pick Laura up bridle style. When I get to the car I get Ryan to open the door. Then I sit Laura in the car. Ryan gets back in. I run to the other side of the car. But I remembered that I forgot my keys. I run back in the house grab them then lock the door. Run back to the car and drive Laura to my parents house. When we get there I carry the kids in then I carry Laura in and lay her on the couch. Then I give her a kiss on the cheek and get back in the car. I drive to Riker's house then to Rocky's and then took Ryan to the park. We all had our penny boards so we could teach him how to skate.

He caught on quite fast. But while we were there I saw Ryan staring at a girl and she was staring back. I think the little kid has a crush.

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