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Rocky's pov

I woke up this morning did my daily routine and then as I passed Max I asked if he could come and hang out with me at the cafe. He said sure, so we walked into the cafe and up to the counter.

Cashier: What can I get you? * fluttering her eyes*

Rocky: I just want a vanilla Frapiccino with no wip cream. Max what do you want?

Max: Can I get the same as him.

Cashier: Okay will that be all?

Rocky: Yes.

Cashier: That will be $4.21.

Rocky: Here you go. * handed the cashier the money* Hey Max can you go find us a seat?

Max: Sure. *left to go find a seat*

Cashier: Here's your receipt. Your order will be out in just a minute.

I stood there waiting and then grabbed the drinks. I then looked to find where Max sat. I found him and walked towards him. I sat down across him and looked at the receipt and saw that the cashier put her number on it. I rolled my eyes and got up and threw the paper away. I then went back and sat down and started drinking my frappe.

Max: What was that about, rolling your eyes then throwing away the receipt? If it was the money I could of paid for it.

Rocky: It's not the money the cashier wrote her number on the receipt and I'm just not interested in girls. In that way, you know.

Max: Yeah I know what you mean. *says under his breath*

Wait did Max just admit he's gay?

Rocky: Do you want to come over to my house again? Also since it's Friday do you want to stay over?

Max: Sure. I just have to stop by my place to get some clothes.

Rocky: You don't have to if you don't wanna. You could borrow my clothes I don't mind.

Max: Okay.

We both stood up and started walking to my house. When we got there we saw Rydel, Riker, Ratliff, Ryland, and Vanessa sitting in a circle in the living room. I guess playing truth or dare.

Rydel: Hey Rocky. Want to come play truth or dare with us?

Rocky: Sure, Max do you want to play also?

Max: Sure.

Me and Max walked over to the group and sat down.

Rydel: Okay Riker, Truth or dare?

Riker: Dare!

Rydel: I dare you to run up and down the street screaming 'I love Vanessa Marano' but you have to do it wearing pink and have on heart glasses.

Riker: Okay.

Rydel*leaves to get the stuff he has to change into then comes back a minute later*

Riker:*leaves and changes then comes back and heads to the front door*

Rydel*opens it* On the count of three you will start. 1....2....3.

Vanessa: Aww this is sweet thanks Rydel.

Rydel: Your welcome.

Riker came back and we all sat back down.

Riker: Okay Rocky truth or dare?

Rocky: Dare!

Riker: I dare you to call Allie and tell her that you pissed in your pants.

Rocky: Okay. *calls Allie*

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