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Rocky's P.O.V


Rocky:Okay, where do you want to meet

Allie:Let's meet at my favorite restrant

Rocky:And where might that be?

Allie:Anthony's Pizza

Rocky:Okay, how about we meet at 10:30


Allie's P.O.V

Rocky left and I texted Laura and told her that I had a DE and that's code for Date Emergency.

She said that she would be on her way and that she is bringing Rydel to help. Later they got here and helped me get ready and Rydel was working on my hair and makeup and Laura was trying to find me an outfit to wear. Once they finished and I got in my outfit I looked in the mirror and I looked gorgeous.

Allie:Yay we made it just in time its 10:28 he will be here in two minutes

Rydel:Okay now let's sit in the living room so we can wait

Laura:Yeah let's watch some t-

(Door bell rings)

Allie:Nevermind he's here, bye girlies

Laura&Rydel:Bye Allie

I go out and get in his car and we headed to Anthony's Pizza. When we got there Rocky got out and came and opened my door for me.


Rocky:No problem

Then we went inside and ate and after we got done eating we started to walk out and we got to the car and he was starting to open the car door for me but as soon as he opened it, it hit me and I fell down.


Rocky:You okay?

Allie:Yeah just a little sore *looks in his eyes*

Rocky:*looks in her eyes*You have the most beautiful eyes

Allie:Thanks*still staring*

Rocky:*Starts to lean in*

Allie:*leans in too*

Rocky:*pressed his lips to hers*

Our lips are moving in perfect sync. It's like we're mean't to be. This kiss is making me fall in love with him and each time our lips touch I just keep falling in love with him all over again. Then we pull away from each other and he says the most unexpected thing.

Rocky:Do you want to be my girlfriend?


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