Emma's Surprise

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--Emma's Surprise--

*Taylor's POV*

*At the Hotel*

Once we finally arrived at the hotel, Simon gave us our room assignments and we all quickly went up to our rooms. I was with Ally, Marissa was with Emma, and unfortunately Emma was by herself. But thankfully Simon said that the room assignments are going to change at every hotel.

Once we dropped our things off in our room, we quickly changed, washed our faces, brushed our teeth, and went down to the restaurant, where we were meeting Simon. We were all curious to who our special dinner guests were.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we spotted Simon sitting at a table in the back. We noticed that he was sitting with a couple we have never seen before. Well, Ally, Marissa, Darcy, and I have never seen them before. But apparently Emma has, because as soon as she saw them, she went running. The four of us were confused for a quick second, but once she called out to them, we automatically knew that Emma obviously knew them.

"GRANDMA! GRANDPA!" Emma yelled as she went running towards them.

The couple looked over at the sound of their granddaughter calling out to them. Once they spotted her, they immediately smiled widely and stood up as Emma wrapped an arm around each neck.

Emma stayed there for a few long moments. I could tell she was crying into her grandparents because her grandparents were crying as they hugged their granddaughter.

"What are you guys doing here?" Emma asked, wiping away her tears as she pulled away from the hug.

"About two months ago, Simon gave us a call. He told us everything. How you and your best friends were signed and that you would be starting your tour here in Ireland." Her grandfather stated.

"But you guys live so far away?" Emma said in confusion.

"Simon mentioned your fathers condition and how Greg won't be joining you for the start of your tour. We knew that we just had to see you. But when we shared our concerns about the distance Simon made arrangements for us to come see your first concert."  Her grandmother explained.

Emma immediately was smiling form ear to ear as she ran over to Simon, who was still sitting down, and gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you so much." Emma said to him as she hugged him.

"It was no problem at all." Simon replied.

"So, are you going to introduce us to your friends?" Her grandfather asked, as Emma pulled away from the hug.

The girls just stood off to the side as she reunited with her grandparents.

"Oh yeah." Emma said, suddenly remembering that we were standing here.

"Sorry about that girls. We haven't seen each other in quite a few years, so she was quite excited to see us." Her grandmother said to us.

"It's fine." We all replied in unison, with large smiles on our faces.

"Anyway, Emma go ahead and introduce us." Her grandfather said.

"Grandma, Grandpa, this is Ally Tomlinson, Taylor Malik, Marissa Payne, and Darcy Styles. Girls these are my grandparents." Emma said with a huge smile on her face. Meanwhile her grandparents stood there in shock. I thought Simon told them that Emma was signed with her friends.

"Are you guys good?" Emma asked her grandparents with concern.

"Are they who they think they are?" Her grandmother asked in disbelief.

"Yes, they are the daughters of Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Harry. I thought Simon told you I was signed with them?" Emma responded.

At this point, we're used to people shocked that we're the daughters of One Direction.

"I mentioned that you were signed with four of your closest friends. I never mentioned names. And now that I'm thinking about it, I probably should have." Simon stated.

"You think." We all said in unison, even Emma's grandparents joined in on that one.

"Sorry." Simon mumbled.

"Well, with all of that aside. It is very nice to meet you girls. Your fathers were and still are very good men." Emma's grandmother said as she smiled warmly at us.

We all said it was nice to meet her and her husband too. Then we all sat down and enjoyed our dinner. We sat there for hours on end, talking and laughing and just enjoying ourselves. Honestly, I am feeling more comfortable with being on tour and cannot wait until we perform tomorrow night.

"Alright girls, I think it's time for you to head up to bed. You girls have to wake up early tomorrow morning. We have to be at the venue early for soundcheck. I also want to make sure everything is ready for the concert tomorrow night." Simon told us after we all finished our meals.

The girls and I nodded in agreement, realizing that we were all tired from our days travels. We all said goodnight to Simon and Emma's grandparents before going up to bed. Honestly, I am so tired, but I don't think I can sleep tonight. I am both nervous and excited for our very first concert tomorrow. I wonder if this is how our fathers felt the first time they performed live.

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