The Plane Ride

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--The Plane Ride--

*Greg's POV*

Once we got to the airport we went through security and such and by the time we got to the gate, we boarded our plane immediately. Thankfully the boys were able to board as they were brought to the airport. By the time we got to the plane, Paul was basically carrying a sleeping Liam onto the plane. When we boarded the plane, we found four sleeping males in four separate areas of the plane.

"They were all asleep when they got on the plane. The drivers you sent with them had to carry them on the plane." The pilot said, making both Paul and I jump.

"Then how did they get through security?" I asked in confusion.

"I have no idea. All I know is that they were like this when I went to go check up on them." The pilot replied before going back up to the plane. I just shook it off as Paul set Liam down in the  seat next to him.

We have been in the air for a few hours no and the the boys are still sleeping., which was fine because I was afraid of hat was going to happen when they woke up.  Unfortunately, the boys weren't sleeping for long. All of the sudden, I felt the plane go more silent, if that is even possible. Paul and I looked at each other in confusion for a moment before we realized why the plane felt more quiet than usual. Paul and I slowly looked around at the five boys who were now awake and looking at each other wide eyed.

"Didn't really think this through did we?" Paul said to me.

"Nope. I kind of feel like we were anywhere else but here." I stated.

For awhile the boys just stared at each other, not saying a word. There were a few times it looked like one of them were about to say something, but didn't. Probably because they haven't spoken in years.

"So guys, I don't know if you remember me, but it's me Paul. And right over there is Greg, Niall's brother." Paul said eventually, earning blank stares from the five of them.

"I know what you guys are probably wondering what you are doing on a plane with the two of us. Well, I'll explain." I said.

I stopped in hopes for one of them to say something. When no one spoke, I continued.

"You see, we heard about what has been going on with you guys. We know that you guys haven't been yourselves lately, so we decided to take you on a trip to hopefully make you feel better." I explained.

"And we know it may have felt like we kidnapped you, but don't worry your families know where you are." Paul added.

Still nothing from any of them.

"Oh and as for your daughters, we know they are on a trip with their friends but don't worry, they know that you are safe and sound with us." I said to them as they all went wide eyed and looked at each other again.

"Was I not supposed to mention that we knew that they had daughters?" I asked Paul in confusion.

"Obviously." Paul said with slight anger.


*Niall's POV*

So I thought I had the strangest dream last nigh. I had a dream that Greg was begging me to come downstairs with him, that it was important. He was begging me to come downstairs with him for like five minutes. And when I didn't go downstairs with him, he left and someone else came and picked me up and brought me out to a car where I was driven to the airport.

But apparently that wasn't a dream because I woke up to find four wide eyes staring at me. Four wide eyes that I have not seen in years.

"Didn't really think this through did we?" I heard some say.

"Nope. I kind of feel like we were anywhere else but here." I heard the other one respond. Wait that sounds like Greg.

There was a long stretch where no one said anything. All five of us at one point opened up our mouths to say something, but none of us did.

"So guys, I don't know if you remember me., but it's me Paul. And right over there is Greg, Niall's brother." Paul said eventually, earning blank stares from all five of us.

Am I still dreaming? I must be because I haven't been on a plane in years.

"I know what you guys are probably wondering what you are doing on a plane with the two of us. Well, I'll explain." Greg said.

He paused for  moment before continuing.

"You see, we heard about what has been going on with you guys. We know that you guys haven't been yourselves lately, so we decided to take you on a trip to hopefully make you feel better." Greg explained.

"And we know it may have felt like we kidnapped you, but don't worry your families know where you are." Paul added.

Why does Greg all of the sudden want to take me on a trip to make me feel better? He's never done that. And what happened to the boys that they need to feel better about?

"Oh and as for your daughters, we know they are on a trip with their friends but don't worry, they know that you are safe and sound with us." Greg said to them as they all went wide eyed and looked at each other again.

Wait, they have daughters?

"Was I not supposed to mention that we knew that they had daughters?" I asked Paul in confusion.

"Obviously." Paul said with slight anger.

What's going on?

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