Arriving in New York

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--Arriving in New York--

*Emma's POV*

So it has been two months since our tour began and it has been the most amazing experience of my life. Honestly I am so glad that Simon wanted to sign us all those months ago. Honestly it feels like years since we've been since we have been signed, but in reality it's only been months.

"EMMA!" Ally said, making me jump slightly.

"What?" I whined.

"We're going down to meet Simon for dinner." Ally said before leaving the room.

"Oh yeah." I said more to myself since she was already gone.

I followed behind her slowly as we made our way onto the elevator. Once in the lobby, we went straight to the hotel restaurant, where Simon was waiting for us.

"Hello girls. How was your day off?" Simon greeted as we sat down at the table.

"It was relaxing." Marissa replied once we got settled at the table.

"Great." Simon replied.

We sat in silence for a few moments as we were figuring out what we were going to eat. Once everyone ordered their dinner, Simon finally started talking.

"So, girls, I just wanted to give you an update on the tour." Simon said before pausing.

When none of us said anything, he continued.

"So for our next stop we'll be heading to New York." Simon said with a small smile.

"So that means we'll the next stop is the big stop." Darcy stated.

"Yup." Simon said popping the 'p'.

"When are Uncle Greg and Paul going to bring our fathers to New York?" I asked.

"I just got off the phone with Paul not to long ago. He said that they just landed in New York." Simon replied.

"Did he say how the plane ride went?" Taylor asked.

"He said that they didn't even know that they were on the plane with the others when they first boarded because they were all sleeping. So for the first few hours the flight was fine. But once they woke up, Paul said it was completely awkward. None of them said a word. Greg and Paul explained to them that they heard what was going on with them so they decided to take them on a trip." Simon explained.

"So our fathers didn't say anything the entire flight?" Ally asked.

"Nope." Simon replied, popping the 'p'.

"To be honest, I kind of hoping that would get at least one of them to talk. They haven't spoken in years." Marissa stated.

"Maybe that's just it. They haven't spoken in years, so maybe they wanted to say something, but didn't know how it would turn out." Simon explained and we just nodded.

For the rest of the night, we ate our dinner in silence.

*Three Days Later*

The girls and I finally just landed in New York and now we're making our way to our hotel. I'm so excited because Aunt Denise, Theo, and my grandparents are meeting us at the hotel. Our fathers don't know that they're here yet, so that should be interesting.

"Girls, we're at the hotel." Simon said to us from the front seat.

We quickly jumped out of the car and into the hotel. As we were waiting for Simon to check us in, I felt someone wrap their arms around me tightly, causing me to jump slightly. I turned around to see who it was.

"THEO!" I yelled once I realized who it was.

I quickly threw my arms around him. I feel like I haven't seen him in forever.

Theo laughed at my reaction and let me pull him into a hug.

"So I hear the tour's going really well." Theo said once we pulled away.

"Yeah it is. Where is your mom and grandma and grandpa?" I said quickly.

"They're talking to Simon now." Theo told me.

The girls and I spent the next few minutes catching up with Theo, while Simon talked to my aunt and grandparents.

"So girls," Simon said as he walked over to us, "You have the day off to settle in and then tomorrow is the big day."

By big day, he means that tomorrow is the day that we surprise our fathers. If they were all calm on the plane, then they definitely weren't going to be calm once they found out what we were up to. And if they didn't speak on the plane, then they were definitely going to have a few choice words for everyone involved, especially us.

"Emma, we would like to spend the day with you since we haven't really seen you much lately." Aunt Denise said.

"Aren't you supposed to be spending time with dad and the others?" I asked in confusion.

"We spent time with them all of yesterday. Now it's your turn." Grandma said with a smile.

They all arrived early yesterday, which just so happened to be the day the after our fathers landed in New York. I wonder how they're doing.

"Okay. Let me just bring my things up to my room and I'll be right down." I said before running off to the elevator.

I honestly can't wait to spend time with my family, minus my father of course. I need to enjoy New York while I can. I don't know how much longer I'll be here or the rest of the tour once dad gets to me.


Hey guys!

I know that this chapter isn't much, but I needed a chapter before the surprise.

Oh, and I will be revealing the name of the band soon, so watch out for that.

Anyway, I hope you're liking the story so far.

Don't forget to comment and vote!


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