20. Coming

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Claire's POV

Breathe. I told myself once again. Breathe, she still needs you alive. I really tried but it didn't really work.

Oh, who am I kidding, the oxygen didn't even reach my lungs.

My mind couldn't really work with what just happened and not even thinking about my body. The overwhelming felling was nearly enough for me to faint.

My mind was occupied with all the information it just got, my hands feeling her hair and all the other rest with pulling her even closer.

I heard her breathing against my skin and her smell in my nose. It was just all too intense to really process it the way it should have been. I've been craving her, wanting her, no I needed her. And now she's here, right in front of me.

"Don't leave me ever again" she whispered barely audible. "Promise me." Her breathing hitched, her forehead was leaned against mine.

"No promises I can't keep" I mumbled back and crashed my lips against hers again.

A light moan escaped her lips as we started to loose ourselves into the depths of everything around and in us.

Lennart's POV

I smiled as I saw how all these stupid soldiers were killing their friends. The grin spread across my face till it distorted it.

We were just a few tiny moments away from our victory.


Endless years of enduring the pain of no physical form made us crazy and far from sanity. She was our remedy and we'd get her soon.

We saw the blood soaking the soil and Claire falling to her knees in front of her only true friends.

"Tell us, how long did we train her?" I asked bored.

An old figure stumbled out of the shadow. Their eyes closed and their body rooted.

"Three months, sire" it stuttered.

"You still think she's innocence in its perfection?" We had to be sure. If it was the wrong one now, all our work would be for nothing.

"Yes, sire." His voice got lower with every word.

"She got really beautiful and strong. A pity she cut her hair. Didn't we tell you to let her stay low?" My voice turned into a growl and Daphne next to me backed a little away.

"Yes, but Rel-"

We cut him off. "Rel?! One mission, just one tiny and yet it was Rel who trained her?! We are disappointed, you know there are consequences for this."

I saw how he fell to his knees, screaming in agony as they pierced his head and shattered his mind. His sanity wouldn't stay long either when he would disappointed us like this more often.

"She's their best soldier, along with Ana and Tim. A better point of time won't come any time soon for attacking" Daphne smirked towards me, her hands roaming over my back.

"I know, just let us wait a few more minutes. The more emotion she has while we take what we need, the better."

I knew that our impatience would take over soon, but the time wasn't now.

We saw how the girls got together, how their bodies fitted in harmony, how Claire's whole being got warmer till the heat radiated from her body.

We knew about the other creatures, all forward the nymphs. Nymphs with their need and craving for art and love. And innocence. Never satisfied and never giving up.

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