The Fight

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I must have gotten into something when I was running away from Peter and Mr. Stark.

My arm itched and there was a giant bump on my arm. I get up and start to leave.

Peter grabs my arm and holds me back. "Where are you going?"

"To put something on this."I say pointing at the bump on my forearm.

Peter instantly dropped my hand. He cursed and put me back in my bed.

"But it itchs."I said.

"It won't in a second."He told me. And he was right. It stopped hurting but I felt very tired.

I tried to get out of bed and fell into Peter's arms. "Peter what's wrong with me?" I say. He just puts me back in bed.

"Were you bit by a spider?" He asked.

"I don't know. Maybe." I said and I go into unconsciousness.

Peter's POV:

She fell into unconsciousness. Mr. Stark looked at me.

"She must have been bit by a radioactive spider. That's what happened to me. She'll be fine." I say. He seems to take that as a good answer.

We talk some more and I agree to go if we bring Mikiela with. So we did. He left for us to pack. I get Mikiela awake long enough to pack and say goodbye and get to the car.

I sit down and Mikiela sits beside me and she falls asleep with her head on my shoulder.

We were silent on the trip. I'm staying in a hotel room with Mikiela. I get her awake long enough to get to the hotel room. Then she fell asleep on the bed.

I talk with Mr. Stark and then he leaves.

He leaves me a new and improved suit. He also left another suit for Mikiela. It looked like my suit but was smaller.

Mikiela's POV:

I woke up and I instantly felt more hype and more nimble than ever. I stretched and accidentally shot a web at the ceiling. I squeaked and tried to get the web of of my arm.

I knew Peter used web shooters. Peter came in when he heard me squeaked.

He looked at the web shocked.

"Please, Peter do something." I said. He cut the web and it came out of my wrist. He cleaned the ceiling. I know not not to make that hand signal. It was the same one my brother makes.

I get out of bed. Peter put on his web shooters and started showing me how to use my webs.

"Peter?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says.

"Why does my webs come out of my wrist and yours don't?" I say.

He shrugged. "I think it was because you were bitten by a different spider. Question is where that spider came from?" He said.

Mr. Stark came in the room as I shot a can with my webs.

He clapped and I turned towards him.

"Getting the hang of it?" He said. I nod. "Think you can fight?" He says.

I nod. He looks at Peter. "You follows your brothers lead." He said and I nod. "Then look at your suit." I nod and see my suit.

"I get my own suit."I say happily. I go over to it and lift it up. It looked just like Peter's suit, but I loved it.

I looked at the fabric. "I love it." I say.

Mr. Stark smiled. "Now both of you change into them. We have to go." He said. I went into the bathroom and stripped down to my undergarments. Then I put the loosely fitting suit on and touched the chest piece making it tight but yet still flexible and breathable.

I come out with the mask off. I let my light brown hair hang loose.

My mask was in my hand. Peter came out of the other room with his suit on. The only difference between ours is that my mask has a little hole at the top of my neck where my hair starts growing, for a braid to come through so I don't have to cut my long hair.

I put my hair in a braid. Me and Peter both put on our masks as we went outside. I had pulled my braid through the little hole and I was ready for the fight.

We swung to the fight and Iron Man was already there.

I was next to Peter the entire time. "Mikiela. You listen to me and Mr. Stark." He told me and I nodded.

We get there and we wait for our signal. "Underroos one." Iron man says.

Peter swings in stealing captain America's shield and webbing his arms together.

Captain America raised his arms up and an arrow started coming towards his hands.

"Underroos two." Iron man yelled and I swung out of the darkness and webbed the arrow coming throught the air and took it in my hand. I landed next to Peter.

"Hello, everyone." Me and Peter said at the same time. Hawkeye shot an arrow at Captain America's hands and freed them.

Then ant man grew into normal size on the shield Peter had and kicked Peter stealing the shield back and ripping the arrow I had out of my hands and gave them to Captain America.

I stayed with Peter the whole time and helped when I could.

Then it came to the fight with Captain America. Peter got some good hits then Captain America was beating him. I webbed his feet and drug him backwards until he snapped it with his shield. Then he swung me around to where Peter was and hit the metal to make the box come down on us.

"You have it hard, kids. How old are you?" He asked.

"15." Peter said. "13." I said.

"Where are you from?" He asked as he got his shield.

"Queens." We both said. He smiled.

"Brooklyn." He said as he ran away.

We got the hwavy metal bin off of our heads. I looked and Ant Man was giant. Peter for some reason got an idea from a movie and we both swung around his legs, tieing them together.

Then Iron man and another guy hit him in the jaw and he went backwards but slapped Peter.

"Brother!"I yell and head over to where Peter was now laying. Iron man also came over.

He told me and Peter that we were done and for the sake of me Peter said ok and we got up and left.

Peter was limping and we went home.

We got back to the hotel and changed back into normal clothes. Peter had a black eye and I did also.

We left the next morning.

I fell asleep on his shoulder again. We got home and I woke up and went to apartment. Aunt May was there and I gave her a hug. Then I went to our room.

Peter came up a few minutes later.

"Where are we going to hide our suits?" I whisper to him.

"In the roof hatch." I give him mine and he folds it with his and puts it up in the hatch.

Peter said that after school everyday he would show me how to use my powers and we would fight crime.

I told Aunt May that we would be going to the library and getting some ice cream afterwards, also saying that I found a job and would be working there after school.

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