Mr. Stark Found

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I stand there questioning whether to tell her or not.

"Mr. Stark is our adoptive father." I finally say. They both pause at look at us. They must be surprised.

I fake smiled at them. T'Challa was the first to snap out of it.

"Well we have to find Tony then." He says.

We head off and start going to the crash site. We landed and I started searching from the ground. We all split up went in different directions.

I found Mr. Stark, barely conscious and surrounded. He was surrounded by people with guns and missiles.

I slowly walked up and took them out. Mr. Stark smiled at me then slowly stood up. He struggled to stand and started swaying once he had stood up.

I held him as we walked back towards the ship. I didn't call out to anyone since I don't want to attract unwanted attraction from the enemies.

I get back and bring Mr. Stark aboard. "He needs help." I say to myself.

I leave him on the ship and go after Shuri.

That was when I was caught. They grabbed me and I fought them off me until there was too many for me.

Being in the hurt state I am, it was hard for me to fight off so many enemies.

They hold my arms and drag me with them. They had tied up my feet so I can't walk.

My feet get scratched as they drag me away from all my friends.

I scream for help and yell. That was when they kicked me in the stomach.

They raise my shirt and look at my stitches. I try to kick them as they get closer to my stitches. My skin is already torn from them breaking.

I struggle as the man come closer, cutting open all the stitches. I suddenly feel the rush of blood.

Those fricking stitches are really going to leave a mark. I'd be lucky if my stomach ever heals. Like holy jesus.

The blood starts rushing out and I feel it start to run down my stomach.

I moan as I start slowly feeling weaker.

They continue to drag me. I look down at my legs. They are starting to get road rash from all the rocks.

I just feel myself growing weaker and weaker. I continue to scream for some sort of help.

Then I fade into an unconsciousness.

T'Challa's POV:

I am looking for Tony when I hear Mikiela screaming for help. At first I thought she found Tony, but the closer I got the more I noticed that they weren't screams for help with Tony. They were screams for help about her.

I rush to her, by the time I get there she is unconscious. They are dragging her and her stomach is obviously bleeding.

Peter must have heard since he came a few seconds later. We fought. He struggled with his leg, but he made it work.

Finally after quite a bit of fighting we get to Mikiela. They drop her on the ground to come at us.

We knocked them out and Peter ran over to Mikiela. He shook her until she slightly opened her eyes.

She was bleeding in the stomach, and she had road rash on her legs.

They must have cut her stitches and pulled them out.

Peter tries to get her to stand but her feet gave out from underneath her.

"I found Mr. Stark. He is at the ship. I came looking for you guys and Shuri." She said weakly. She started growing pale.

Peter picked her up bridal style and we ran back to the ship. She was laid on the table.

Shuri came back from the mission and came in to Mikiela and Mr. Stark laying on different tables.

Mr. Stark had reached out for Mikiela who had lost consciousness again.

He tried to get up and check on her, but he was too weak.

Shuri rushed in and put an IV in Mikiela's arm.

Then she started the blood transfer. She cleaned out the stomach wounds and stitched them up, again.

She cleaned the road rash and put some Neosporin on the road rash and wrapped Mikiela's shins with bandages. Mikiela was sleeping and probably would be for a day or so.

Then she moved on Tony. He had some minor cuts and some road rash. He also had some fragment in his arm and leg. He had a minor concussion.

He also needed a blood transfusion so Shuri hooked him up with an IV.

She cleaned out his cuts, they would scab over and heal. The bigger ones she would put Neopsporin on and then put a bandage over them.

She pulled the fragment out of Tony's leg and then stitched it up, put some Neosporin on it and covered it with a bandage. She repeated the process on his arm.

There isn't much she can do about his concussion so she told him he would be fine.

He got up and sat next to Mikiela and watching her. He kept the IV in and had it brought over.

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