Back to School

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I put two pancakes, and a piece of bacon on my plate but truly I feel nauseous. I take three bites of my pancake and eat the piece of bacon then announce I'm not hungry and give the rest of my pancakes to Peter.

He thanks me and I started cleaning the mess I made making breakfast.

Mr. Stark stood up and took the plate out of my hands.

"We can clean up." He said.

"No. I've got it." I snapped at him.

Ever since being at Barry's I hate feeling helpless or having people do things for me.

All I had to do in the stupid cell was to count to myself, mumble and sleep.

I hate just sitting there and doing nothing. I feel my hands start shaking and I hear the glass plate shatter on the ground.

That brought me back to reality.

I look down at the shattered plate.

Everyone looked at me. I look up at them and then back down at the plate. I shake my head and apologize over and over, grabbing a broom and dustpan, I start sweeping with shaky hands.

Steve stood up and takes the broom out of my hands.

"Stop. We've got it." He said.

I keep apologizing as Steve sweeps up the mess.

"Stop apologizing. You're fine." Mr. Stark says.

I stood silently looking at the floor. The others had gone back to eating.

Steve finishs sweeping and Mr. Stark told me to go watch TV or something while he cleaned up.

I walked away and started watching TV. I feel my spidey-sense go off to Peter coming up behind me.

I twist in my seat on the couch and look at Peter. "Yes, brother?"

"I just wanted make sure you're ok. I was worried when I couldn't find you yesterday." He said his eyes getting teary.

At first I hesitated but made up my mind.

I hold my arms open for him to hug me. He comes around the edge of the couch and I stand up hugging him.

He almost started crying. "Please don't cry. I'm safe now." I say partly trying to convince myself.

Now that I was hugging Peter I noticed that all the hallucinations were just that, hallucinations.

I felt safe in Peter's arms. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Peter let go of me.

He walked away. It was Monday and he decided he was going to school starting Wenesday. I'm going too.

I will have Flower, and we have every class together since our class only has 10 kids.

I stand up and walk over to Steve and Mr. Stark that were talking together. I apologized until they told me to go away. Then I went to room.

I look at my eye in the mirror and my eyes was still swollen, although my quick healing power was helping it heal faster. My hand and fingers were feeling better too.

I do some sketching. I had the TV on and the news came up.

I look up and there was a guy on the screen with a microphone in front of him. He was alone and there was a picture off me on the TV in the corner.

"Missing girl, Mikiela Parker, has been found. She was beaten, bruised, drugged, and has sustained many broken bones from the imprisonment. She was found in Barry Greenfield's, 13, basement. Two other 13 year old girls, Clarice Matherson and Jennifer Fildew, helped in the capture, beating, drugging, and keeping of Mikiela Parker." He paused I could tell what was going to happen next was not could. His eyes were full of sadness and sympathy.

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