Girl to Girl

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I wait until we can finally leave. I stare blankly at Shuri and T'Challa as we leave. We had gotten a plane to come pick us up, Natasha flying it. We head back .

I rush back to my room, slam the door and lock it. I get out my sketch book and continue to sketch as I wait for everything to just be over. I want things to end, for me to feel better.

I hear a knock at my door. "Go away." I say.

They knock again. "It's Natasha I want to talk." She say through the door.

"Ok." I say eventually and unlock the door. She walks in and shuts the door behind her. I can see a couple of the boys.

"Can we come in?" They ask. It was Clint, Bruce, and Mr. Stark.

"No, time for the girls to talk alone." Natasha says locking the door.

She sits down on the bed and we stare at each other for a little bit. Eventually she starts talking.

"What's wrong?" She says.

"Nothing." I say

"Lies." She says. "Why are you lying to me? I won't say a word to anybody."

"I'm just sad, I feel like it's my fault that all my family is dead." I say with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"You had no over what happened. You couldn't have known what would have happened. It you knew what was going to happen you wouldn't have that." She said. "I didn't know my parents either and it's hard but you have friends and family."

"Thanks Natasha." I say and hug her. At first she pauses and then smiles hugging back.

"Now being the only other girl you can come to me for anything ok?" She says.

I nod and I cry and hug her. She smiles and pets my hair.

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