T'Challa and Shuri

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The ship is made of what looks like vibranium. I don't know how they found that much vibranium since it is a very rare ore.

The back is glowing a blue color.

I hold my stomach as it lands. I really don't want people messing with it.

My hand is completely covered in blood.

A spot opens for us to get on the ship. A girl comes towards us. She goes straight towards T'Challa. He has his mask off but I don't really care.

"Brother, are you ok?" The girl asks.

I'm guessing she is Shuri, but I'm not saying anything.

"Yes, sister, but this girl, Mikiela, needs help." He says. I love their accents.

She turns to look at me covered in blood. I smile very weakly.

"I love your accents." I say before I fall into unconsciousness.

T'Challa's POV:

We are flying by when I see a girl, probably around the age of 13, standing over what I am guessing is her brother, protecting him by fighting off five other guys.

I watch as she fights skill fully using her powers only when she needs to and as a resource.

I am quite impressed. So I go down to help her when she starts struggling due to her stomach bleeding.

We finish fighting and I look at her, now completely covered in blood, stomach.

It looked like she had torn stitches out of her stomach. It was a mush of 4 major cuts and a few littler cuts that had been reopened when she was fighting.

She looked in pain but would not let me do anything. Finally after a little bit I convince her to come with me to have her looked at.

We get on and tell Shuri she needs help. That was when things went wrong.

"I love your accents." She complimented us and then fell unconsciouss.

Peter went for her but his leg stopped him from going fast enough. So I caught her and noticed how skinny and thin she was. She was mainly skin, bones, and muscle.

I picked her up bridal style bringing her into the lab where Shuri stitched up her wounds and transfured some more blood into Mikiela.

Peter stayed by her side the entire time.

I was talking to Shuri when Mikiela woke up breathing heavy. She was weak and having a panic attack.

She laid down calming her breathing.

But she still was freaking out.

She got out of bed, her I.V. still in, to sit on Peter's lap and hug him. She is super skinny so she was nothing on his lap.

She fell asleep hugging Peter.

I decide right then that they are staying here for awhile or until we can find their adoptive father.

Mikiela POV:

I fall back asleep on Peter's shoulder after I started having a panic attack.

When I wake up later I'm calm and feeling tired. I look down at my shirt. It is ruined. I pull it up revealing my clean and stitched up stomach.

T'Challa is standing over by the girl, who I am guessing is Shuri, looking at me.

I get up still staring at him and pull the I.V. out of my arm.

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