The News

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I woke up to Peter talking to some nurses.

I had an IV in my arm and my leg was stitched up.

Peter gave the nurses a fake name and birthday I noticed as I looked at the band around my wrist.

The IV wasn't transferring any blood at the moment. The nurses left and Peter went outside to talk with the others.

I pull out my IV and stand up limping over to the window. I was on the first floor. So I went into the bathroom changed back into my clothing and grabbed anything I had there. Then I left through a window in the bathroom.

I walked away and went to Flower's  place.

I walked there and I walked in heading to the bathroom.

I got there and stripped down putting a trash bag on my leg up to the stitches and then tieing it super tight.

I get into the shower and turn on the water scrubbing the blood off of my skin. I washed my hair since I was in the shower. I forgot to get clothes. I called out for Flower and she came to the door.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"I need clean clothes." I say and she left and got clean clothing out of my bag and opened the door putting it on the counter. That's  when she noticed my blood stained pants.

"What happened?" She said.

"I got scratched. I'm fine." I say.

She leaves and shuts the door. I dry off and take off the trash bag. My leg is still covered in blood.

I put on my clean PJ's and roll up the pant sleeve. I get a clean wash cloth and wipe the blood off of my leg gently. Then I covered the stitches with gauze.

Then I roll my pant leg down and try to conceal the wrap around my stomach and my limp.

I try to get out as much blood as I can out of my pants and eventually decide to just throw them away so I brought them to the dumpster outside and threw them in the dumpster.

Then I went walked over to Harry's to pick up my stuff. I get there and see Peter, Jake, and Harry all worried.

I walk in. "Mikiela. You can't just do that." Peter instantly said running towards me and hugging me while silently crying.

"I told you not to bring me to the hospital." I say to him.

He looks at me. "How did you get out?" Jake asks.

"The bathroom window. Next time don't bring me to a hospital." I say and grab my book bag which was luckily not covered in any blood.

I hug each of them. "I don't need your help anymore so thank you. But..." I say.

"Next time don't bring you to a hospital." They all said at once.

"Precisely." I say turning away and leaving.

Jake follows me.

We take short cuts through alleyways.

We get to Flower's house and he turns towards me.

"Don't ever do that again." He says.

"But." To stop me from talking he kissed me.

"No buts. That terrified me. Don't do that again." He said.

I opened my mouth to say something but he kissed me again. I pull away flustered and then blush. I hugged him and he left.

I went inside and got dinner. Then I went to bed thinking about my kiss with Jake.

I get up in the morning and get ready for school. I walk downstairs and get breakfast.

I walk outside to the bus stop and everybody stares at me. I stop and turn to Flower who was right behind me.

She shrugged. I get on the bus and put my headphones in.

I get off the bus at school and everyone was still staring at me.

I walked to my first class and sat down. Everyone was still staring at me, including the teacher.

"Can somebody tell me why you're all staring at me?" I ask.

One of them pull out they're phone and pulled up the news.

It showed a video of me and Deven fighting and me getting shot and then running away.

I look at them silently. I hand the person they're phone back.

I sit there silently. Then finally I speak.

"Nobody say anything to anybody." I say and they all nod.

Then class begins and the rest of the day went by normally. Jake found me at lunch and he hung out with Peter, Harry, Flower, and I.

At the end of the day I walked to the hospital. One person recognized me and started walking beside me while recording.

"Dude, leave me alone." I say.

"But you're that girl that was shot." He said.

"No comment." I say and continue walking and eventually he leaves.

I go to see Aunt May not really caring what happened.

"Hello, Aunt May." I say walking into her room.

She smiled at me. And she told me she would be getting out in a couple of days. They're just waiting for a couple more bones to heal.

I smile and conceal my limp as much I can and after a while I leave.

I go to Flower's and do any homework I have.

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