The Panic Attack

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I see two boys, a girl with red hair, and Mr. Stark sitting on the couch.

Two more people were sitting at the table talking.

Peter was laying on the floor in the living area. He had his hands above his head and didn't notice me come in. Normal me would have tickled him but I was to scared to get near anybody.

"Pete." I say. He sat up and put his hands behind him. He looks at me with sad eyes.

"Hey." He said and stood up and started walking towards me.

I backed up a step when ever he took a step closer. He stopped and sighed.

"Really, Miki." He said. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I felt tears fill my eyes.

"Stay away." I say. It hurts me to push Peter away but he scares me when he gets near me.

Peter stays away and everybody else was looking at me.

I look at the floor. "Looks like I'm not wanted here. I'll just leave." I say and turn around to start walking away.

"Stay. Please." The girl said.

I stop and turn towards them. I looked at them all and then looked at the floor.

One of the men at the couch stood up and started coming towards me.

I step away. And go into a corner. He kept coming and I sank to my butt on the ground. I squeaked when he got near.

I jump up and stick to ceiling not using my right hand because of the break.

"I'm Thor." The man said as he looked up at me.

He backed away and stayed by Peter. 

I nod and drop to the ground landing on my feet. I looked at the girl with sad eyes.

"My name's Natasha." She said and I stood up, shuffling my way toward the door way.

"Mikiela. Most people just call me Miki." I say still shuffling towards the door way.

"Mikiela Parker. That girl that went missing." The man with blonde hair from the table said.

He's captain America I remember him from P.E. videos at school. Steve's his name.

"The one and only." I say.

I was at the door way for a easy escape.

The other man from the couch stood up looking at me. "I'm Clint. You must have had it tough." He said.

"Why do you say?" I ask.

"Well you have a black eye that is swollen shut, obviously bruises on your arms and legs, a broken wrist and three broken fingers." The other man at the table said. He is Bruce, the hulk. I remember that.

I look down at myself, just now noticing how rough I look.

"I don't like talking about it." I say scanning the room for escape routes.

"You don't need to find escape routes, no one here is going to hurt you." Mr. Stark said.

"I've learned the hard way trusting people only gets you hurt." I say.

My one eye flutters around the room.

Looking at everyone. I start freaking out at all the people.

I breathe in and out trying to calm myself. I could feel my face go pale. I was starting to have a panic attack.

"Mikiela? Are you ok?" Peter asks.

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