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Time Skip 1 Month Later:

I wake up in my normal bed and get up shaking Peter, waking him up.

It was 1 month later and I was fully healed, but I have a little bit of a lasting limp. 

Jake and I have been hanging out and ignored the kiss we shared.

Aunt May is out of the hospital and we all are back in our apartment. I have been avoiding my bullies for the time being so I have no new bruises. 

I have been working with my Spider-Girl skills. I am getting better but I still need improvement. Although I am quite good at doing research and solving mysteries.

I grab some clean clothes, a sweat-shirt that says FBI on it and some blue jeans. I go into the bathroom and change and come out and start grabbing my stuff. 

I get my book bag and shake Peter again getting him awake and go downstairs. Aunt May was making breakfast and I sat down and ate. Peter came down a few minutes later and ate. Then we both left and got on the bus.

I sat by Peter and put in my headphones. 

We got to school and I head off to class. 

I meet Flower there and we sit next to each other. 

We have a project in this class and we are partners. 

The day went by smoothly until the end of the day. Everyone left and I was about too when the three bullies showed up.

Deven had been arrested and they had never found the "mystery girl" that had been shot and ran away.

They stood there ready to beat me.

"Look this didn't end so well for Deven. What makes you think it will go any better for you?" I tell them.

They smirk. "Because there is three of us." Clarice says and they all pull out guns.

The teachers were still inside so I would most likely be able to go to one if them.

"F*ck!" I swore and started backing up.

"Don't move!" Barry yelled at me.

I rose my hands into the air and stood there not moving.

"Look. Put the guns away now and I won't call for the teachers." I say and Barry smirked.

"You won't do that." He said and then shot me. It was a tranquilizer dart but the gunshot was loud and I instantly heard teachers running to the doors.

"HELP!" I scream. My vision was starting to go blurry.

The bullies pulled ski masks on hiding their faces.

I was getting off balance and starting to trip over myself.

Barry grabbed my arm and I slapped his arm but it was weak. I was losing consciousness quickly.

The teachers burst out the front door and Clarice and Jennifer put guns towards the teachers. "Don't move!" They both said in voices deeper than their own.

Barry pretended to have a very deep voice. "Get in the car!" He yelled at me.

I struggled getting very weak and I broke away and made it a few feet before I was shot with another tranquilizer dart. I instantly felt the tranquilizer through my body.

I fell to the ground and was drifting off. Barry picked me up.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" I screamed rapidly.

He smirked and threw me into the van and I lost consciousness.

Time Skip To When I Wake Up:

I wake up in a small room in some sort of basement. There was a candle and a blanket. I was on the floor and there is no window.

There is no mattress and no pillows.

I stare at the door. It is a wood with a window at the top enough to show some light.

My head hurts and I sit there through the pain. There was no water and my throat is parched.

I stay there waiting for someone to show up. My cell is probably about 5'×5'.

Eventually Deven showed up and he brought a glass of water and a plate of food.

He growled and set it on the ground in front of me while he sat there. I ate and drank the water and again he scowled at me.

He took my plate and glass and told me to stand. He set my plate and dish outside and then he beat me.

He punched my eye and my gut. Then he kicked my gut and my leg dropping me to the ground. Since I was down he kicked me twice and then left.

I lay on the ground and moaned curling up into a ball and putting my blanket around me and used my arm as my pillow.

I went to sleep like that knowing if I were to get out I need to be fully rested.

Peter's POV:

Mikiela didn't show up to practice today and I talked to Aunt May and she said she hadn't seen Mikiela since this morning.

I am beginning to get worried.

I call around and the last place anybody had seen Miki was at school.

Aunt May gets a call and I wait for her to get off the phone to go looking for Miki.

Aunt May's face is full of terror and she went pale. She hung up and turned to me.

"What is it Aunt May?" I ask.

"Mikiela has been kidnapped." She said.

Pure terror struck me and I stood there frozen in place.

Then I stormed out and changed into my suit and I zoomed across the city looking for any sign of her.

I found nothing. I sat on a roof and cried to myself.

Mr. Stark, as busy as he is, heard the news and came to find me and try to comfort me. He left and I sat there thinking to myself.

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