Really??? Again???

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Miki's POV:

I wake up from my nightmare screaming.

I sit up my back against the backboard and curl up into a ball, holding my knees close to my chest.

In the back of my mind I pick up that Peter came running into my room.

It's hard to breathe and it feels like I'm suffocating. I breathe in fast and shallow, starting to freak out more. I start going into my trance.

I keep trying to pull myself out, but the more I struggle the harder it is to stay in reality.

'Come on Mikiela. Get it together.' I think to myself.

'I'm fine.' I continue to think. 'Completely good.'

"Make it stop." I mumble. I notice Peter sit next to me.

"" I pull myself back to reality enough the tell him before I slip back into the trance.

He tries to calm me down but he can't.

At this point I am completely gone and can notice everything around me but can't control my body, my brain has taken over.

He rushes out of my room coming back with Da-, Mr. Stark.

Mr. Stark tries to comfort me but I can't come back. He makes me lay down. Peter climbs into the bed with me, hugging me close to him.

Mr. Stark left, going to go get Bruce.

Bruce comes in and checks my vitals and makes sure I'm ok. Which I am so he tells Mr. Stark that he just has to let it pass.

Bruce left and Mr. Stark sat at the edge of the bed until I fell into a state of unconsciousness and Peter joined me after a little bit.

I wake up the next day and go downstairs to see a sad bunch of Avengers and a lady from an orphanage near here.

Mr. Stark was going to adopt us but somebody else beat him to it.

I look at the man adopting us. He looked nice and smiled at me.

"Come on, children." He held our hands bringing us out to the car not even letting us pack anything, insisting he has everything we need at his house.

We get there and he brings us inside. It looked like he lives alone and his place is clean.

That was when people came up from behind us and grabbed our hands pinning them behind our backs.

He tied our hands and put bags over our heads. I called out for Peter and he came near me as I leaned on him.

I still had my phone.

My spider sense went off as a person threw me and Peter into what felt like the back of a van. It was about a 3 hour ride and then they grabbed us and put us in some room.

They laughed when a squeaked as they cut my cast off my hand and take the finger casts off.

They pull the hoods off of our heads letting me see what is around me. We are in a cell almost identical to Barry's but it has a table in the middle of the room and they have our wrists in restraints that have chains running from the wall to the cuffs on our wrists.

They laugh as Peter struggles, to no avail.

They leave and I pull out my phone that I had hidden in my pants. I called Mr. Stark.

"How are you liking it there?" He said. It was loud against the silence in the room.

"Shush. I need you to whisper?" I say. "They have us captive and we are in a cell chained to a wall. We need help."

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