The Rescue

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I'm starting to heal but I'm completely covered in dirt, dust, and my own blood.

I'm gonna escape today. His parents are supposed to be gone for the next two days and I need to get out here.

I figured out how to unlock the door so when he leaves and goes to his room I'll silently get out of here.

So the plan goes in action. He left and I silently unlocked the door and I started heading to the door. I got there and then he came down and grabbed me. I banged my hands in the door trying to get someone attention.

He grabbed my arm and drug me back into my cell me not able to fight back due to a subduing drug he puts in my food and water.

He brought me in the cell and started making out with me.

I struggled against him and I kicked him and he backed away and scowled, kicked me and left.

I know I need to get out of here before anything worse happens.

I go to bed.

I wake up and Barry brings me food and water again. Then once I finish eating he leaves.

This goes on for another week until I decide to try again.

I get out of my cell and to the door again. He set an alarm so when I opened the door he heard it and he came running. This time people saw me.

He dragged me back inside and into the cell.

People called 9-1-1 and officers showed up and burst down the front door. He was still in the cell with me.

He put his hand over my mouth.

I screamed anyway. "HELP ME!!! I'M IN THE BASEMENT!!!" I scream. Barry punched my eye over and over again until I shut up.

My eye instantly started swelling and it turn bruised and it swelled to the point where it swelled shut.

The police came and opened my door and Barry instantly pushed me behind him into the wall. I cried out and he kicked me.

I fell silent and the police held their guns at Barry.

He rose his hands after a few minutes and the police arrested him.

I had been in there 3 weeks and I was almost unrecognizable.

The cops came towards me and I cringed.

They stopped and one slowly started creeping towards me comforting me as they came closer. They grabbed my hand and bring me outside. I cringe away from the light and from the people.

People scare me now and I don't like the thought of people touching me.

People were at the edge looking in and also recording. The doctors tried to get me to let them help me.

I kept refusing to let them help until they let me see Peter, Aunt May, and Flower.

Finally they agreed and Peter, Aunt May and Flower were there.

Peter, Flower and Aunt May went to hug me and I cringed away and teared up. They look at me shocked and they all feel bad.

Almost every hallucination was about them. A few were about my parents. But all of them were bad and tramatizing. For some reason they scared me a little bit now.

I cried and they cried but when they got closer fear took over and I burst out crying backing away from them.

I calmed down and the doctors then did a basic check. I was lacking quite a few vitamins and I had bruises all over my body. I had my swollen black eye and I was skinny and dirty.

I was in the ambulance and went to the hospital and they checked for any broken bones, or concussions.

My right wrist and 3 fingers are broken. My index finger and middle finger on my right hand and my middle finger on my left hand.

They will be keeping me in the hospital for the next hour and they will do more tests.

And try to fix my dehydration problem. They put in an IV and I waited for other test results.

Finally I was released and then I went to the police station where they questioned me. I didn't tell them much and they didn't push me. They did ask who else was involved and I told them Jennifer and Clarice.

They arrested the two and they both admitted and Barry did too.

I was released and was sent home. I went home with a cast on my arm and three finger casts.

Mr. Stark visited making sure I was ok and talked a little then left.

I still didn't tell anybody what happened in that cell.

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