Aunt May's Death

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I smelled my food first deciding it wasn't drugged. Peter and Aunt May looked at me and then back at the food.

They ate and I ate. Peter got up to come get my empty plate in front of me and instantly I stood up backing away.

He stopped, let me get away and then took my plate and put it in the sink.

I backed away and towards my room.

I went in and climbed on the top bunk and I laid down. Peter came in after a bit.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." I say.

"Well I just hope you know we won't hurt you. I would never hurt you." Peter says.

We both went downstairs, him in front of me and me at least 5 feet behind him at all times.

Aunt May went out to go get groceries. She would take the car and me and Peter would be alone.

I went to bed and he stayed downstairs for awhile before he went to bed. Then he came upstairs and woke me up.

I screamed and got as far away from him as I could. He backed away and I followed him.

On the TV was the news and Clarice had escaped from prison.

I went back to bed but kept a knife under my pillow.

I went to bed and in the morning I woke up to it being Saturday and I had slept in.

I get up and climb down, walking downstairs.

Police officers were all over in the house and Peter was crying on the couch.

I stayed silent and walked towards him but didn't get closer than 5 feet.

The cop turned towards me. "Are you Mikiela?" She asked.

"Yes. Why?" I ask.

"Because your Aunt May was shot and killed by Clarice." She said.

I looked at them and then just left. I didn't grab anything I just left and went to go climb a building.

Then I remember my cast and I just keep walking.

Eventually I stop and cry at a park. A little kid stops in front of me.

"I can't find my mommy. Will you help me?" They ask. It is a little girl with brown hair, probably 5.

"Yeah. What's your name?" I say kneeling in front of her.

"Elizabeth, but you can call me Eliza." She said.

"Well Eliza do you know her number?" I ask.

She nods. I hand her my phone. "Can you dial the number for me?" I ask. Again she nods and puts in the numbers.

I press call and call her mom.

Her mom picked up after a few rings.

Her mom: Hello?

Hello my name is Mikiela. Your daughter, Elizabeth, asked me for help. She can't find you and she's scared :Me

Her mom: Where are you?"

By the water fountain in the south side of Oak Grove Park. :Me

Her mom: I'm coming to you.

Ok. We'll be here waiting. :Me

I hung up and after a few minutes  Eliza's mom showed up. They hugged and her mom pet her hair crying.

"Thank you. Where's your mom?" The mother asked.

I teared up. "Dead."

"Aunt?" She asked.

"All my family is dead." I say. "Everyone but my brother."

The mother came to hug me but I cringe away and then she recognized me.

"You're the girl that was just found." She said.

I nod. She thanked me over and over and they left.

I went back to the apartment.

We were able to stay for the next two days to pack but we have to find a place to stay.

That was when Mr. Stark showed up.

"Pack your things. Your coming to live at the base with the rest of Avengers. Both of you." He told us.

He helped us pack up stuff of ours and Aunt May's stuff. We sold most of it in a garage sell.

We kept our stuff and some of Aunt May's precious things. We packed our room and left to go to Mr. Starks place.

We made a few trips but everything was gone by the end of the day. We said goodbye to our home.

Mr. Stark gave us each our room next to each other's.

Before we could unpack and paint our rooms it was night time and we both went to bed. I slept on the floor in the living room and Peter slept on the couch.

Sleeping on a bed or couch feels weird after sleeping on a concrete floor for the past 3 weeks.

I woke up and Mr. Stark is in the kitchen. Peter was still sleeping but I was across the room from him.

"What happened to you?" Mr. Stark asked.

I stood up and stretched. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Look I understand. I was taken hostage too." He said. "It sucked but it felt good to tell somebody."

"It was terrible and I don't know where to start." I say.

"Start with the first week." He said.

"Well it was a pattern. It was close to the same all the time. He would bring me breakfast I would do nothing until lunch and then he would bring me that. After that he would bring me dinner at dinner time then beat me."
I start.

"He would beat me everyday and one day he got mad. When I wouldn't make a gun like he asked me too he stepped on my hand and broke it."

"Clarice and Jennifer would come in to have fun beating me theirselves. When they were bored they drugged me until I hallucinated and........." I cut off.

"And what?" Mr. Stark asked.

"They would watch me struggle and scream and beg for it to stop. Then they would laugh and give me more until they were bored then they would leave." I say tearing up.

"What did you hallucinate about?" He asked.

I looked at the floor. "Flower, Peter, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, My Parents........." I cut off again.

"And what did they do?" He asked quietly.

"They.......beat me, called me names, blamed me for Uncle Ben's death, a lot more that I don't want to talk about." I almost whispered.

I had tears streaming down my face.

Peter stood up and looked at me tears streaming down his own face. "That's why your scared of me." He said.

I look at the floor.

Peter came close but I backed away again.

"I'm going for a walk." I say and leave grabbing my phone and headphones.

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