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Time skip till next day:

It is Thanksgiving and I was watching movies with the Avengers when a person with a metal arm walked in.

I looked at him and crawled backwards into the dark. It is night time around 8 at night and already dark. I crawl up til I hit a wall and crawl up it.

I get to the ceiling and stay there. I turn around and have my back against the wall with my hands next to my hips.

Steve stands up and hugs the man. He hugs back.

I stay on the ceiling. My stitches gently  ache as I breathe.

Mr. Stark gets up hugging the metal man.

Peter notices I'm not here anymore and looks around for me.

Mr. Stark turns towards Peter. "Peter this is Bucky." He said introducing Peter to the man with the metal arm. "Bucky this is Peter." He says pointing towards Peter.

"Mikiela." He says looking around for me. I stay on the ceiling. FRIDAY turns the lights on and looks around spotting me on the ceiling.

"Mikiela, get down from there. You're going to rip your stitches." He tell me.

"I'm good. My stitches aren't being stretched." I say looking down at him.

"Mikiela Parker, get down from there." He says.

"No." I simply say.

"Miki get down." Peter says.

I stay there. Bucky looks up up at me and I look back at him.

I see no bad intentions in his eyes or on his face.

I slowly start coming down but when he comes closer I dart back up the wall.

Natasha looks up at me. "Come on. He's not going to hurt you." She said.

I shake my head staying planted firmly where I am.

Mr. Stark turned towards Bucky. "I'm sorry Bucky. It's not you. She has had some bad history." He apologized.

Bucky looked at me again and he nods.

He sits down and we continue watching Kingsman: The Secret Service. It is a very good movie and it is one of my favorites.

I watch from on the ceiling. The movie ends and I go into the kitchen. We have already ate so I jump down, quietly groaning as my stitches stretch.

I get out a water bottle and fill it with water. I take a drink. I turn towards the doorway back to the living room.

Bucky was at the doorway when I turned around so I didn't get closer.

"I hope you know I won't hurt you, Mikiela." Bucky said.

"I know....It's just I've had some bad experiences with people." I tell him.

"Like what?" He asks.

I look at him for a little bit hesitating on whether or not to tell him.

"I might tell you when I know you better." I say. He smiles, understanding, and moves out of the way. I walk into the living room.

I sit on the couch with Mr. Stark to my right Natasha to my left and Peter in front of me, on the ground, with his head resting on my legs.

Bucky made sure to stay on the other side of the room being nice enough to understand and give me space. He was very polite and I am very greatful for that.

We turned on the news and I was on the screen. I froze. It was going over the kidnapping again.

I start breathing heavy remembering those horrid weeks.

Mr. Stark looked at me and turn towards me. "Hey. You're here now." He said. "No one will hurt you." He says.

I look into his eyes with a terrible fear and he looks at me.

I have another flashback. That stupid cell was terrible. Then my mind flashed to when I was being cut open. I am frozen in place not even in reality any more.

Buck's POV:

I stand in the door way as Mikiela fills up her waterbottle. She turns around and froze when she saw me.

"I hope you know I won't hurt you, Mikiela." I tell her reassuringly.

"I know....It's just I've had some bad experiences with people." She tells me.

"Like what?" I ask curiously. I wonder what happened that made her so scared of new people.

She hesitated but didn't tell me. "I might tell you when I know you better." She tells me.

Noticing the conversation is over I step out of her way and back up giving her space. She cautiously walks over to Tony, Natasha, and Peter.

I think Peter is her brother but I don't know how old either of them are but they both aren't that old.

I make sure to stay on the other side of the room as we turn on the news.

I see Mikiela and look over and instantly know she's having a Panic Attack but I will not get close to her in case I scare her more.

Somebody else turns the news off and turns on 21 Jump Street which happened to be on.

Mikiela I could tell is no longer in reality and is having a memory so horrible she isn't here anymore.

She reminds me of myself in a way.

Peter turns around and grabs her hand. "Hey sis, you're here with me, in our new home. Remember. This is our new home." He said to her. She starts coming back. Her face is pale and she is definitely sad.

"Aren't you excited? We get to live with Mr. Stark now." He says. She brightens up a little bit then frowns and looks at him confused.

"Where's Aunt May?" She asks. 'Who's Aunt May?', I think to myself.

"Mikiela don't you remember." Peter says. Natasha looks sadly at Mikiela.

"Mikiela your Aunt was shot a little bit ago." Natasha says to Mikiela.

I look at Natasha in shock.

Mikiela had tears in her eyes and she stood up visibly shaking. Before she said anything Peter stood up announcing he was going to bed. She looked at him. "Pete can I sleep with you tonight?" She asks him.

My heart broke as I heard her utter this quiet sentence.

Steve looks at me and I look back. He looked sad, everyone does.

"Yeah come on." Peter says putting his hand around her shoulder leading her upstairs.

I watch sadly and then turn to Steve. "Sorry Bucky. It's not my story to share." He said.

I turn to Tony. "Am I still welcome to sleep here?" I ask. He nods.

"Your room is exactly how you left it." He told me.

I nod and stood up going to my room and getting my computer. I open it up and do some research on Mikiela Parker.

She is 13, Peter is 15, and their parents are both dead. Their uncle died and then she was kidnapped by four other kids. She was abused, and tortured for 3 weeks until she made an escape attempt and somebody called the police. She was found and the next day one of the people that kidnapped her escaped jail and shot their aunt. They came to live with Mr. Stark and he adopted her and her last living blood relative, her older brother Peter Parker. Just before this they were adopted by an evil abusive man. They don't know what happened to them there.

I feel bad closing the tab and go to sleep.

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