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I ran away from Jake and off to the hospital. I got there huffing and wheezing.

I went in and went to the bathroom. I applied makeup on my black eye, hiding it much as I can. Then I pull my hood up and hide any evidence of my black eye in the shadow of my hood. 

I leave the bathroom and go to Aunt May's room. "Hi, Aunt May."

"Why are you limping?" She asked. 

"I just sprained my ankle." I lied. I hate lying to Aunt May, but I don't want her to worry. 

"Ok. Where's Peter?" She asked. 

"Right here, Aunt May." Peter said from behind me. 

We talked with Aunt May for awhile. Then the nurse shooed us off and we left. 

I went to the bathroom and washed off the makeup.

Peter tried getting me to give him more information on my bullies. I wouldn't budge and I went off to Flower's, he went off to Harry's. 

I was in the street when somebody grabbed me from behind. He grabbed my arms and held me in place.

I let out a cry of pain when he tightened his grip on my arm because of the bruises.

"Let me go." I say. There was a car coming towards me and it wasn't slowing down.

I wrench my grip from the man and the car came at me.

I run forward and dive wincing as I hit the ground an inch away from the car.

"Dude, what was that for?" I say standing in the middle of the road.

I turn around facing him and instantly stop.

It was Deven.

"You could have killed me. Why did you do that?" I ask him.

He sniggers at me. "Cause I want you die." He pulls out a gun and people around me stop and stare, taking video or gasping and calling the police.

Some had already been recording when he grabbed me.

I put my hands up. "Deven, don't do anything you will regret."I say and start to backup.

"DON'T MOVE!" He yelled. I instantly stop moving.

"The police are coming. If you put the gun down you won't go to jail." I say.

"I don't care if I go to jail." He says.

"Well I don't want to die." I say.

"But I want you to." He said.

I raise my hands higher. Then he comes at me.

He tries to grab me but I kick him and reach for his gun.

He holds his guns tight. I scratched him and we both struggled with the gun.

Then he took the shot and shot me in the leg.

I scream and tears run down my face.

I wrench the gun from him and hold it up to him. "Hands above you're head. On the ground." I say pointing at him backing away slowly.

He got on the ground as I motioned the gun at him. I took my belt and tied his hands together and put the safety on the gun and set it to the side out of his reach.

Then with one hand I held onto my wound. I ran, limped away.

People recorded the whole incident and tried to stop me from running.

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